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The «Intercoms» section is intended for adding, editing, and deleting intercoms.

Features of the section include:

  • Adding and deleting intercoms

  • Accessing the intercom card to view and edit settings

  • Search and filtering

The distribution of intercoms into branches is done in the «Intercom tree view» section.

Upon accessing the section, a table of intercoms is displayed.


The table allows sorting values by the following columns:

  • Name

  • Intercom Address

  • Entrance

  • Device Type

  • Creation Date

  • Update Date

Intercom search options are available:

  • By name

  • By address

  • By UUID

Intercom filtering options are provided:

  • By entrance (primary, additional, or any)

  • By vendors

  • By status

  • By intercom creation date range

To add an intercom, click «Add Intercom». The process of adding an intercom is described in the «Adding an Intercom» section.

To view and edit the intercom settings, click on the respective row. This will redirect you to the intercom card.

Editing branch and address

dditional actions are available for editing the branch where the intercom is located and its address. To access the menu, click the button:

Additional actions

The following actions are available:

  • Move device to a branch. This option is displayed if the intercom is already added to a branch. The action is used to move the intercom to another branch. The intercom tree is managed in the «Intercom tree view» section

  • Add address. Specify the intercom address

  • Remove from branch. Remove the intercom from the current branch


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