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Adding an analytics resource group

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Resource groups are catalogs containing reference images of faces and alphanumeric combinations of license plates, which are used in analytics cases with the «Face Recognition» and «License Plate» types.

You can add a new group in the following ways:

  • In the «Analytics Resources» section

  • At Step 3 in the process of adding an analytics case

Add a resource group in the «Analytics Resources» section

  • Go to the «Analytics Resources» section tab and click the «Add group» button.

  • As a result, the form for adding a group will be displayed.

  • Enter the name of the group.

  • Select the group type: «Faces» or «License plates»

  • Depending on the selected type, the form's appearance and the set of fields changes.


When you select the «Faces» type, you can add images. It is also possible to add images in groups.

Adding a group with the «Faces» type

Subsequently, the specified file name will be displayed as the visitor’s full name when viewing analytic cases.

Image requirements:

  • Maximum image size is 3 MB

  • Face size at least 80% of frame

  • Only one object in the image

  • Supported formats – JPEG, BMP, PNG, TIFF, PSD

To delete resources from a group:

Click on the delete button to the right of the image to delete just one resource

Click on «Delete all« to remove all added resources

License plates

When selecting the «License plates» type, fields for entering the license plate numbers and resource names will appear.

Adding a group with the «License plates» type

In the opened window, specify:

  • Code of the country

  • Car number

  • Resource name

Adding identical numbers is not allowed. In this case, different numbers may have the same resource name.

You can add no more than 100 resources to one group.

To delete a resource, click the delete icon to the right of the resource group name.

Adding a resource group when creating an analytics case

When creating a case with the «Face Recognition« or «License plates» analytic type, the form for adding a resource group is displayed in Step 3 after clicking the “Add new reaction” button.

The type of form depends on the selected type of analytics in step No. 1.

For the «Face recognition» analytics type:

Adding a group in a case with the «Face recognition» analytics type

For the «License plates» analytics type:

Adding a group in a case with the «License plates» analytics type

The process for adding resources to groups is similar to that described above.

If, after creating a resource group, you close the window for adding a new analytics case or delete the created resource group while checking the added resource groups, the created group will not be saved.

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