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CallsApi. iOS

Api to work with voip calls from intercom.

Get call status

Use this request to check call status.

If request was successful you'll get VMSIntercomCall object. If any error would occur you would get an VMSApiError object.

callStatus(with callId: Int, completion: (VMSIntercomCall?, VMSApiError?))

Call answered

Use this request to let server know that the call was answered on current device.

If request was successful you'll get VMSVoipCall object. Use it to start sip session for this call. If any error would occur you would get an VMSApiError object.

callAnswered(callId: Int, completion: (VMSVoipCall?, VMSApiError?))

Call canceled

Use this request to let server know that the call was canceled on current device.

If request was successful response will return nil. If any error would occur you would get an VMSApiError object.

callCanceled(callId: Int, completion: (VMSApiError?))

Call ended

Use this request to let server know that the call was ended on current device.

If request was successful response will return nil. If any error would occur you would get an VMSApiError object.

callEnded(callId: Int, completion: (VMSApiError?))

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