Created via billing
User information is divided into tabs:
User, contains general information about the user from the Customer's billing system
Cameras, a list of cameras that are accessible to the user
Intercoms, a list of intercoms that are available to the user
Sub users, additional users within the main user's account. Functionality is available if the user has the necessary permissions
Billing Events, Billing event log for user logins
Access Settings, configurable access levels to system functionality
Analytics, licenses for the user. Functionality is available if the user has licenses
On each tab, at the top of the page, general user information is provided:
User ID
User name
Creation date
Clicking the «Login as User» button opens a new browser tab and logs into the web client using the user's credentials.
When you click the «Synchronize cameras» button, system settings and camera availability settings in the administrator’s Web interface are forced to synchronize with the camera settings in user environments (Desktop application, Web interface, mobile applications).
«User» tab
The «User» tab contains general information about the user from the Customer's billing system.

«User» tab
The data is not editable. The data is retrieved from the Customer's billing system.
«Cameras» tab
The «Cameras» tab displays the cameras that are accessible to the user for viewing.
The list only includes cameras that are accessible to the current system administrator.

«Cameras» tab
The tab displays a table with the following fields:
ID, camera ID
Name , camera name
Status , camera status. Possible values: active, partially active, inactive, empty.
Location , camera location (filled in when using the address system). Clicking on it navigates to the camera's profile on the «General data» tab
The data in the table is not editable.
«Intercoms» tab
The «Intercoms» tab displays a list of intercoms available to the user.
Adding an intercom is done in the intercom's card on the «Apartments» tab.

«Intercoms» tab
The tab displays a table with the following fields:
Keys, keys associated with the user
Name, intercom name
Address, intercom address
Department, entrance where the intercom is installed
Created at, intercom creation date
The data in the table is not editable.
Clicking on a row navigates to the intercom's card on the «General data» tab.
«Sub users» tab
The «Sub users» tab displays users created by the current user in the VMS user interface.
Sub users are created by the main user in the VMS user interface.

«Sub users» tab
The tab displays a table with the following fields:
ID, sub user ID
Name, sub user name
Login, sub user login
Created at, creation date
Sub-user permissions are editable.
In the user's permission settings related to the «Analytics» module, the sub user is only shown permissions based on the licensing levels available to the main user.
«Billing Events» tab
The «Billing Events» tab displays user events received from the Customer's billing system.

«Billing Events» tab
The tab displays a table with the following fields:
ID, request ID
Type, request type
billing.new_entity, «Billing. New entity»
billing.pause_entity, «Billing. Pause entity»
billing.unpause_entity, «Billing. Unpause entity»
billing.terminate_entity, «Billing. Terminate entity»
billing.create_location, «Billing. Create location»
billing.create_location_unknown_csa, «Billing. Failed to create location»
billing.delete_location, «Billing. Delete location»
billing.update_login, «Billing. Update login»
billing.new_camera, «Billing. New camera»
billing.attach_camera, «Billing. Attach camera»
billing.attach_camera_unknown_csa, «Billing. Failed to attach camera»
billing.detach_camera, «Billing. Detach camera»
billing.unknown_type, «Billing. Unknown type»
billing.update_password, «Billing. Update password»
Created at, creation date
The data in the table is not editable.
«Access settings» tab
The «Access settings» tab is used to configure access rights for the current user.

«Access settings» tab
After making changes, click the «Save» button.
«Analytics» tab
The «Analytics» tab is available if the user has licenses.

«Analytics» tab
The tab displays a table with the following fields:
Video analytics level
Total number of licenses, total allocated licenses
Used number of licenses
Free number of licenses, available licenses
The number of used licenses is calculated based on the number of cameras added when creating the analytics view. For example, if 2 cameras were added when creating the analytics view, 2 licenses are used.
After removing all analytics licenses of a certain level from a user, all analytics cases of the corresponding types of analytics, as well as case events, are not displayed in the client interfaces, but are saved in the system. After 7 days, if the user has not been allocated licenses of this level, analytics cases and events are deleted permanently.