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Archive/DVR. Desktop Client

The «Archive/DVR» section is intended for viewing archived records.

The application interface in «Archive/DVR» mode is similar to the interface in «Live» mode. The main difference is the player, which allows you to manage viewing time, create and view events, and download video fragments. Additional functions are also provided.

The work area includes:

  1. Panel for switching between layouts – similar to the «Live» mode

  2. A set of templates for the current layout – similar to the «Live» mode

  3. Camera layout. The location and number of cameras depends on the selected template. Each camera has its own set of controls. The description is given below.

  4. A set of tools for working with the current layout – similar to the «Live» mode

  5. Common timeline for managing viewing time on all cameras simultaneously


Work area in the «Archive/DVR» section

A description of adding and setting up layouts is given in the section «List of layouts. Search, add, edit»

The duration of archive storage, as well as settings for the archive recording schedule, are performed in the system administrator web interface

When viewing the archive, as well as when uploading the archive, it is worth considering that the camera could be added in a different time zone. See the «UTC Standard» section for details


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