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Authorization. Desktop Client

To get started with the Desktop client, download and run the installation file.

After installation, a shortcut to launch the application will appear on your desktop.

Authorization form

  • Enter login and password

    • The login and password are specified in the service agreement. You can also contact technical support

  • Depending on the system settings, it may be necessary to enter an additional alphanumeric code (captcha). To receive a new code, click «Refresh». After one minute the code will become invalid

Authorization with captcha

  • Select the video surveillance server (the connection setup process is described below)

  • Click «Log in»

If the login, password and server are specified correctly, you will be authorized and logged into the application.

Setting up a video surveillance server

To authorize the application, at least one connection to the video surveillance server must be configured.

To create a connection, on the authorization form, click «Manage video surveillance servers». As a result, the server configuration window will be displayed.

Setting up a video surveillance server

Please indicate in the appropriate fields:

  • Server name

  • Connection server URL

    • The URL must contain the prefix «https://». If it was not added manually, then when creating a connection the prefix is automatically added to the address

  • User login

After filling in all fields, click «Save». As a result, a new connection with the specified parameters will be added.

Add additional connections as needed.

If only one connection to the video surveillance server is added, it is automatically specified as the default connection. If two or more connections have been added, you must select the connection that will be the main one and save the changes.

To delete a connection, select the required connection in the table and click the delete button.

A connection that is selected as the default connection cannot be deleted.

Next, close the video surveillance server setup form to return to the authorization form.

Checking user sessions

When logging into the application, the maximum number of concurrent users is checked.

If an excess is detected, the «User Sessions» window is displayed on the screen with information about the number of sessions, devices and software on which the application is running.

User sessions

You can wait until one of the sessions is closed automatically, or forcefully close it.

Closing a session may result in loss of active user data

It is recommended to close inactive sessions. It is also recommended to close early sessions, i.e. those located at the bottom of the list.

To do this, place the cursor on the session you want to close and click «End session».

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