Fixes 23.04
Mobile Apps
Fixed an issue with switching video quality when using mobile internet
Fixed an issue where video quality does not switch from standard to high when viewing live
Fixed an issue with zooming in/out on video stream when switching between markers
Fixed an issue with displaying the logo in the notification when saving a screenshot
Fixed an issue with selecting a time later than the current time when saving an archive for any day except today
Fixed an issue with rewinding in a saved recording when playing back from a device
Fixed an issue with displaying the archive when the video stream is unavailable
Fixed display of the «Technical work in progress» screen
Desktop Client
Fixed an issue where playback speed does not reset to 1x when selecting a new camera
Fixed an issue where the file name does not match the camera name in the saved archive
Fixed an issue with minimizing the main window
Fixed an issue with displaying the new name on a renamed camera
Fixed an issue where the password change field is not active for a temporary user