The homepage is designed to view statistical information about users, cameras, platform servers, and complaints.
To go to the homepage from other sections, click on the logo in the top left corner.
The homepage also automatically appears after authorization.
Data is displayed taking into account the time zone of the current user.
The page provides filtering by time period:
Last seven days
28 days
Customizable time period
Information is distributed across several blocks.
The «Users» block displays:
The total number of users at the end of the specified period
The change in the total number of users in numerical and percentage terms for the specified period
The number of special users, as well as the change in the number in numerical and percentage terms for the specified period
The number of sub users, as well as the change in the number in numerical and percentage terms for the specified period
The number of users added by the customer, as well as changes in the number in numerical and percentage terms for the specified period

The «Cameras» block displays:
The total number of cameras at the end of the specified period
The change in the total number of cameras in numerical and percentage terms for the specified period
The number of inactive cameras
The number of cameras with issues
The «Top Bitrate Cameras» table, consisting of:
IP address of the camera

The «Servers» block displays:
The total number of active and inactive servers
The number of servers included in distribution, i.e. servers that are available for distribution of video streams
The average number of users per server
The average number of cameras per server
The «Top Bitrate Servers» table, consisting of:
Server name

The «Issues» block displays:
The number of complaints
The number of cameras with complaints
The «Top cameras by number of complaints» table, consisting of:
IP address of the camera
Number of complaints for the camera

Filtering by time period
The change in the number of users and cameras is displayed for the selected time period. Filters are provided to select the period:
Today - from 00:00 of the current day to the current time
Yesterday - for yesterday from 00:00 to 23:59
Week - for the last seven days, including the current day
28 days - for the last 28 days, including the current day
Customizable time period

Filtering by time period
To set the time period, click on the field with the dates. As a result, a calendar will appear for selecting the «From» and «To» dates:
The first click on the date indicates the day from which the data is counted
The second click on the date indicates the day on which the data counting ends
После выбора фильтра или настройки временного периода пересчет количества пользователей и камер выполняется автоматически.

Setting the time period