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Message formats for executable files

Upon launch, the executable file connects to three channels:

  • The stats channel is used for sending its state (memory, CPU, etc.)

  • The raw-events channel is used for sending generated events

  • The control channel (the channel name is formed as <analytics type name>.<binary uid>), through this channel, the executable file receives tasks for processing


The executable file sends messages to the stats channel every 2-3 seconds. The message format is as follows:

    "channel": "stats", // Channel name in push1st
    "data": {
        "binaryUid": "a6e862d2-c6ea-11ec-88bc-59d920260ee8", // UID of the executable file
        "coresUsed": 12,  // The number of cores used by the executable file
        "cpuUsageAvg": 28,  // The number of cores used by the executable file
        "memUsageRssBytes": 343629824,  // Rss memory usage
        "memUsageTotalBytes": 2325626880, // Total memory usage (Rss + Shr + Virt)
        "netBytesInPerSec": 206342,  // Incoming bytes per second
        "netBytesOutPerSec": 7924,  // Outgoing bytes per second
        "streams": {  // A block with a description of the states of the cases running on this executable file
            "3d1a7e78-2458-11ed-9b5d-21123bef9093": {  // Case identifier
                "frameProcessRate": 5.128205,  // The number of frames processed per second
                "starttime": 1663023697,  // Case launch time on the executable file
                "status": "up",  // Current state (can be up, down, stopped)
                "streamUid": "ebb04683-8d33-4a94-8aac-c9ea9c6b45db", // Video stream identifier
                "uptime": 120344  // Case uptime
            "streamsCount": 1  // The total number of cases on the executable file
    "event": "stats"


When any event is recorded, the executable file must send the corresponding message to the raw-events channel. The message format may vary depending on the type of analytics. In general, the message format is as follows:

    "channel": "raw-events", // Channel name in push1st
    "data": {
        "AnalyticsType": "motion-detect", // Analytics type
        "CameraGroupUid": "3f3348a9-ae87-4902-947f-725fd25751e3",  // CameraGroup identifier 
        "JobUid": "beddb758-303e-11ed-8c49-bd223ebfa82e", // Analytics case UID
        "StreamUid": "470b1c5e-748f-49a4-91e5-62f7ac53b8eb",  // Video stream UID
        "apiPort": "8086", // Port for the executable file API
        "binaryUid": "f45d2b96-9adb-11ec-8995-a3b0e5228375", // Executable file UID
        "timestampMs": 1663145196202, // Event generation time 
        .... // Data related to a specific analytics type may then be transmitted
    "event": "event"

Control channel

The control channel is used to pass the case to the executable file for processing. Its name is formed as <analytics type name>.<binary uid> and is used by the orchestrator to create, delete, and edit cases.

      "type":"job_create",  // Command for the executable file, which can be job_create, job_update, job_delete
         "CaseType":"face-recognition",  // Analytics type
         "CameraGroupUid":"be8ba3dd-419f-4a8b-93ab-907b58a7c063", CameraGroup identifier
         "Source":{  // Information about the video stream for analytics
         "JobUid":"16a7dfd4-14bc-11ed-9bd9-bb5c75b9991b"  // Analytics case identifier
         .... //  Data related to a specific analytics type may then be transmitted in this block

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