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Release 23.09

Release 23.09 introduces an entirely new functionality to the platform, as well as changes of existing functionality and bug fixes:

  • Completely updated Web-client: interface changed, new functionality added, existing functionality modified and/or optimized

  • New version of Analytics with the ability to run in Kubernetes environment

  • Added new functionality in the administrator account

  • Made many updates to the «Events» section of the mobile apps

  • Several bugs have been fixed

Please see below for more information on all changes and fixes.

What's New


Administrator Account

  • Added feature to replace the intercom panel

  • Added «Settings» tab when viewing intercom

  • Added column with logo description

  • Updated the logic of counting users on the dashboard

  • Added camera synchronization functionality for users in the «Users» section

  • Added feature to save additional settings for users when creating and updating them

  • Now, when creating temporary users, it is possible to specify a pool of IP addresses from which the user can log in to the web client

  • Refined and optimized permissions for users and temporary users when adding them to analytics cases

  • Added feature to delete a media server group

Web Client

  • Web client has been completely updated:

    • Completely changed the interface of the web-client

    • Updated and/or optimized existing client functionality

    • Added new features for the web-client

    • Introduced a new player with a modified interface, improved display of events and tags, and the feature to synchronously control the camera timeline

    • For the «Analytics» section, additional parameters for customizing analytics cases have been added 

Mobile Apps

  • The «Marks list» button has been renamed to «Events list» in the control menu when viewing the camera

  • Updated the logic of transition from the camera view player to the «Events» section

  • Now in the «Cameras» filter for analytics events only cameras with analytics cases are displayed. Search by camera name is also available

  • Added sorting on all tabs of the «Events» section

  • Added filter by time period

  • Added feature to refresh event list when scrolling downward

  • SDK developed and implemented 


  • Added ability to playback DVR without stream capture


  • A new version of Analytics module with the ability to run in Kubernetes environment has been introduced. This version allows to separate, prepare and execute analytics on independent components for quality resource allocation

  • Added the feature to update executable neural networks without stopping the service

  • Added the feature to create a local centralized repository of neural network models to distribute them within the Analytics infrastructure

  • Increased the number of zones created in the analytics case in which event detection is performed

  • Analytics models used in analytics cases are optimized



Administrator Account

  • Fixed an issue where a user who had an intercom added but no intercom permissions would still receive notifications and calls 

  • Fixed transfer of video streams when callbacks are not enabled on the old primary server

Web client

  • Fixed availability of archive download history if access to the camera has been removed

Mobile Apps

  • Fixed an issue in analytics event filtering

  • Fixed an issue related to transitions from event list to player

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