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The analytics types: Intrusion detection, Camera damage/overlap/vandalism detection, Loud sound detection. The camera placement requirements

To ensure proper execution of Intrusion detection, Camera damage/overlap/vandalism detection, and Loud sound detection, an IP videocamera with relevant specifications should be properly placed and set up, taking into account the location and operating conditions in ways to capture images of the required quality.

In this guide, you will find the requirements for the main specifications of the IP videocamera, the placement of the camera, and the image requirements to ensure accurate performance of the Intrusion detection, Camera damage/overlap/vandalism detection, and Loud sound detection analytics types.

The videocamera specifications

When selecting an IP videocamera, you should take into consideration the requirements for images to be received, the camera specifications, the installation requirements, the control zone peculiarities, and the location and operating conditions.

An IP videocamera should have the following specifications to ensure accurate performance of the Intrusion detection, Camera damage/overlap/vandalism detection, and Loud sound detection analytics types.




It is a key component of a camera that defines image quality. The value of this component reflects the size of the matrix diagonal in inches.

  • 1/3 inches and larger.

  • In cases of low illumination of a control area, the matrix should be larger than 1/3 inches.

Lens aperture ratio (light sensitivity)

Plays a crucial role in overall image quality. Lens aperture – is the maximum light capacity of a lens, which determines how much light can pass through to the camera sensor. The F-number means the maximum size of the aperture. The smaller the F-number is, the more light the lens can gather.

F1.4 and better (to ensure sharp and clear image capturing during nighttime).

Focal length

It is one of the key specifications that determines the camera field of view (vision angle), measured in millimeters.

The focal length of the camera lens should correspond to the distance between the camera mounting placement and the anticipated control area to ensure the captured image quality.

To calculate the required focal length, you may use the Lens Calculator.


A built-in camera microphone is required for the cameras used for the Loud sound detection analytics type.

To define the required camera specifications, in addition to the list mentioned above, you may use the Lens Calculator. On the opened service page, specify the matrix size, the focal length, the distance from the camera placement to the object of recognition, the mounting height, and so on. As a result, you’ll receive the relevant camera specifications required for the required analytics type in the specified operating conditions, as well as the geometric placement of the camera (the mounting height and distance from the object of recognition).

The camera placement requirements

Below, you find the camera placement requirements to ensure proper execution of the Intrusion detection, Camera damage/overlap/vandalism detection, and Loud sound detection analytics types:

The parameter


Mounting height

Not higher than three meters, depends on the required angle of the camera view, image quality, and distance to the object to be detected.

Distance to the anticipated object of detection

It depends on the required view angle and captured image quality.

Maximum allowed vertical mounting angle


Stable mounting

Ensure the camera is free from vibration.


150 lux and more, uniform illumination

The image requirements

The image should be clear and sharp.

The analytics for detecting camera damage, overlap, and vandalism will be executed if there are significant changes in the camera feed.

image 58 (1).png

An example of detecting camera damage, overlap, and vandalism

The sound requirements

The sound stream of a camera should be clear. This is applicable for the Loud sound detection analytics.

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