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Check аn Anаlytics stream

Analytics stream check

Returns the current state of the stream.

GET /api/streams/{job-uid}/?format=json

200 OK

Returns a JSON object with information about the stream

    "id": 420,
    "regions": [
            "id": 2,
            "title": "minsk"
    "job_uid": "00617614-b938-11ee-bfd6-5622fced16a0",
    "platform_json": "{\"CaseType\": \"motion-detect\", \"CameraGroupUid\": \"3bc11a36-06bf-4f5f-b45d-5ee3bf702b09\", \"Source\": {\"Uid\": \"b1da4c68-4247-417f-9abc-b720fa75820a\", \"Url\": \"rtsp://\", \"Output\": {\"Encoding\": \"none\", \"FPS\": 5}}, \"CallbackUrl\": \"\", \"Pipeline\": {\"Processing\": {}, \"ConfigPath\": \"\", \"Events\": {\"FrequencyMs\": 200}, \"Detector\": {\"Threshold\": 496}, \"Watcher\": {\"ObjectMax\": [400, 400], \"MaxCountObject\": 1, \"Expansion\": 1, \"MaxTrackObject\": 8, \"FullFrameFrequency\": 5}, \"Fences\": [], \"Areas\": [{\"Id\": \"area_part_1\", \"Shape\": [[0.25, 0.21], [0.69, 0.21], [0.89, 0.7], [0.24, 0.72], [0.27, 0.23]]}]}}",
    "binary_json": "{\"CaseType\": \"motion-detect\", \"CameraGroupUid\": \"3bc11a36-06bf-4f5f-b45d-5ee3bf702b09\", \"Source\": {\"Uid\": \"b1da4c68-4247-417f-9abc-b720fa75820a\", \"Url\": \"rtsp://\", \"Output\": {\"Encoding\": \"none\", \"FPS\": 5}}, \"CallbackUrl\": \"\", \"Pipeline\": {\"Processing\": {}, \"ConfigPath\": \"\", \"Events\": {\"FrequencyMs\": 200}, \"Detector\": {\"Threshold\": 496}, \"Watcher\": {\"ObjectMax\": [400, 400], \"MaxCountObject\": 1, \"Expansion\": 1, \"MaxTrackObject\": 8, \"FullFrameFrequency\": 5}, \"Fences\": [], \"Areas\": [{\"Id\": \"area_part_1\", \"Shape\": [[0.25, 0.21], [0.69, 0.21], [0.89, 0.7], [0.24, 0.72], [0.27, 0.23]]}]}, \"JobUid\": \"00617614-b938-11ee-bfd6-5622fced16a0\"}",
    "status": 11,
    "stream_uid": "b1da4c68-4247-417f-9abc-b720fa75820a",
    "camera_group_uid": "3bc11a36-06bf-4f5f-b45d-5ee3bf702b09",
    "created_at": "2024-01-22T15:07:47.078370Z",
    "updated_at": "2024-02-04T12:15:11.545908Z",
    "ovms_client": 391,
    "stream_case_type": 2

404 Not Found

Stream not found

curl -k --request POST \
	--url 'https://your-domain/api/streams/{job-uid}/?format=json' \
	--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
	--header 'Accept: application/json' \
	--data '[]'
$data = array (
$context = stream_context_create([
	'ssl'=>['verify_peer' => false],
	'http' => [
		'method' => 'GET',
		'header' => "Content-Type: application/json\r
Accept: application/json",
$result = file_get_contents('https://your-domain/api/streams/{job-uid}/?format=json', false, $context);
JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.