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Glossary of Mediaserver

The Glossary section contains highly specialized terms used in VMS documentation, and is intended to enhance understanding of both the terms themselves and their use in user documentation.


Access is a function that determines the level of access to administering and configuring media servers.

Depending on the level of access, different types of authorization are implemented:

  • public, allows anyone who knows the stream URL to view it

  • private, requires authentication to view streams

  • protected, imposes restrictions on the IP address and request to view the stream, limiting access to specific networks or subnetworks without authentication

    • whitelist, a list of IP networks or subnetworks that are allowed to access the streams without authentication

Audio codec

An audio codec is a computer program or hardware device used for encoding or decoding audio data.

The audio codecs used in the server's functionality include:

  • PCMA

  • PCMU

  • G721x

  • AAC


Cluster refers to the ability to use the server in cluster mode, which provides fault tolerance for capturing streams in case the system or its individual components fail.

When two servers are used in this mode, if the primary server fails, the secondary server will continue to function.

Control Panel (CPanel)

Control Panel is a web interface provided by the provider, allowing users to manage their servers and hosted services, a web hosting control panel.


DVR is a function that allows you to record a live stream and save it on physical media. The two main sub-functions of DVR are storage and playback.


HLS is a protocol for streaming media data over the internet. It is used for playing both saved video and real-time video.


Live is a function that allows you to play back the image from a camera in real-time. It is also used for so-called «Camera Preview».


Onvif is an implementation of the Onvif protocol (a widely used protocol for the joint operation of IP cameras and software) for capturing a stream.


This function allows you to transmit the stream received from the camera as either an HLS stream or an RTSP stream to the user, and also performs authorization on the server and reconnects if the connection between the server and the camera is lost.


Reconnect is a function for reconnecting to the stream.


RTSP is a command protocol from a subset of the HTTP protocol. This subset of the HTTP protocol is used to establish a connection and instruct what to do with the stream. In other words, it is a command control protocol.

It is used for playing both saved video and real-time video.


RTSP TCP is an implementation of capturing an RTSP stream over the TCP protocol (Transmission Control Protocol, Internet data transmission protocol).


RTSP UPD is an implementation of capturing an RTSP stream over the UDP protocol (a user datagram protocol that is part of a set of Internet protocols).


Stream, streaming video or streaming audio from a source.

Stream capture

Stream capture (streaming video) is the process of converting a video signal from an external source into a digital video stream using a personal computer and recording it into a video file for subsequent processing, storage, or playback.

Video codec

A video codec is a technology for compressing video for subsequent transmission over a protocol, a program/algorithm for compressing video data and restoring compressed data.

Video compression methods:

  • H264 и H265, video codec

  • MJPEG, frame-by-frame video compression method, which is characterized by compressing each individual frame of the video stream using the JPEG image compression algorithm

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