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The License plate analytics type. View and edit

View a case

When viewing an analytics case with the License plate analytics type, you can choose between table and tile display modes. The tile display mode is set as the default. Both the tile and table display modes allow you to set the number of items displayed per page (15, 25, 50, and 100).

To switch display modes, click the corresponding button.

image 40 (5).png


In table mode, each line contains: the image at the time of the event, the name of the event, the car number, flag and country code, the name of the resource/group, the name of the camera, the percentage of recognition reliability, the date and time of the event.

In the tile view each tile contains: an image at the time of the event, a country frag and car number, the name of the resource, the name of the resource group, the name of the event, the name of the camera, the date and time of the event, the percentage of recognition confidence.

Group 23 (1).png

Table mode

Group 23 (2).png

Tile mode

To enlarge an image for a more detailed view, click on the image. Two images will open simultaneously: the camera image and the analytics resource image.

The table data can be sorted by groups, event types and dates, cameras, resources, and similarity percentages. It is also possible to perform searches.

The Similarity percentage filter is used when there are multiple possible matches for the recognized license plate. You can fill in only one filter field (with a value not exceeding 100%) to set the lower or upper limit for filtering.

Filtering by similarity percentage

In any display mode, you can click on the camera name to access the camera archive.


A set of filters is available:


  • Cameras – only events which were recorded by the selected cameras are displayed.

  • Period – only events that occurred during the specified period are displayed.

  • Groups – displays only events in which the selected resource groups were used for facial recognition.

  • Resources - only displays events in which the selected resources were used for comparison.

  • Events – only certain events are displayed (person identified, person not identified).

  • Reliability – only events with a percentage of reliability that fall within the specified limit are displayed.

Edit a case

To edit the case, click the Settings button on the analytics case viewing page.

To edit a case, select the step and make changes.

You can edit all previously specified settings, except for changing the type of analytics in step 1.

After finishing editing the case, click Save.

Editing the case with the License plate analytics type

If, when editing a case, a camera with existing events is deleted, then you must select a method for deleting the camera:

Deleting the camera

  • Delete camera with saving events

  • Delete camera and its events

When you select the Delete with saving events option, all events that were recorded by this camera will be displayed in the analytics case. In this case, events will be taken into account when generating a report, when viewing the list of events, a transition to viewing the archive at the time of the event will be available, etc.

If you select the «Delete camera and its events» option, all events that were recorded by this camera will be completely deleted.

Generate a report

To generate a report, click Generate report.

As a result, the report setup form will be displayed:


Setting up the report

Specify the period for which the report will be generated.

Specify for which cameras the report will be generated.

Click Submit.

Once the report is generated, a message with a link to the report will be displayed. Click to download the report in XLXS format.

Stream settings

Selecting the Stream settings button opens the Analytics case status panel that contains additional information about the current case.

image 40 (4).png

The Analytics case status panel

The following details for each added to the case cameras are available:

  • A status of an analytics case.

  • UUID of an analytics stream

At the left bottom, you can change the status of the analytics case. If changed, save the changes by selecting Save.

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