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My services. The Portal user personal account

In My services section, you can view your activated tariff plans and additional packages, as well as can manage the services.

The section contains two tabs:

  • Tariff plans – where you select and activate a tariff plan.

  • Additional packages – where you select and activate additional packages.

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My services

Tariff plans

The Tariff plans tab contains the addresses with the connected tariff plans. To manage a tariff plan, call out the actions menu by selecting the horizontal ellipses icon of a relevant address.

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The menu

Pause a service

The Pause option is available for the tariff plans with the Active status. You can pause the tariff plan for up to 30 days once during the calendar year without payment. Further pausing is provided on a paid basis.

Selecting the option calls out the form that displays:

  • The address of the paused service

  • The drop-down list to select the pause period:10 days, 20 days, 30 days.

  • The link to the public offer document.

Set all the necessary options and select Connect.

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Pausing a service

As a result, the service at the selected address will be paused. The service status can be tracked when viewing a connected tariff plan.

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The On pause status

Resume a service

You can resume a service with the On pause status. To resume a service, call out the actions menu by selecting the horizontal ellipses icon of a relevant address and select the Pause button.

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Resuming a service

On the opened panel, select Resume. The service will be resumed.

Change of a tariff plan

To change a tariff plan, call out the actions menu by selecting the horizontal ellipses icon of a relevant address and select Change the tariff plan.

On the opened Change the tariff plan panel, from the drop-down list, select a new tariff plan. The payment amount will be displayed depending on the selected plan.

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Changing a tariff plan

Next, select the payment method, read the public offer, and select Connect. As a result, you’ll navigate to the page of the payment services.

After a successful payment, you’ll see a confirmation message on the successful payment for a new tariff plan. This new tariff plan is now connected to the selected address.

Extend a service

You can extend a service with the Active and Expired statuses.

To extend a service, call out the actions menu by selecting the horizontal ellipses icon of a relevant address and select Extend the service.

On the opened Extend the service panel, you review the service and the cost.

Next, select the payment method, read the public offer, and select Pay. As a result, you’ll navigate to the page of the payment services.

After a successful payment, you’ll see a confirmation message on the successful payment.

Disable a service

You can disable a service with the Active and Expired statuses.

To disable a service, call out the actions menu by selecting the horizontal ellipses icon of a relevant address and select Disable the service. On the opened panel, select Disable to proceed.

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Disabling a service

As a result, the service at the selected address is disabled. The address of the disabled services becomes available for selection in the Tariff plan section to connect services.

Additional packages

The Additional packages tab lists all the connected additional packages.

To call out the actions menu, select the horizontal ellipses icon of a relevant package.

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The actions menu of an additional package

The following options are available for an additional package:

  • Pause the service.

  • Resume the service.

  • Extend the service. It is possible to change a number of packages upon extension of a service.

  • Disable the service.

For detailed instructions on managing each option, refer to the corresponding description in the tariff plans.



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