The Orchestrator of Analytics
The Analytics orchestrator
An Orchestrator is a software module that distributes tasks and video streams from the VSaaS platform to the Analytics workers. The Orchestrator consists of two parts: a server and a client one.
The server part handles the following tasks:
Processing incoming requests with video streams from the VSaaS platform.
Distributing video streams to the Analytics workers.
Managing video streams.
Images vectorizing and dispatching vectors to the vectors database storage (Tarantool).
The client’s part handles the following tasks:
Collecting statistics on server resource usage.
Managing the start and stop of the Analytics workers.
Main processes
An Orchestrator handles the following main processes:
Processing and dispatching video streams to an Analytics worker.
Updating a previously launched video stream on an Analytics worker.
Deleting a previously launched video stream on an Analytics worker.
Processing and redistributing video streams if an Analytics worker is out of service.
Processing and redistributing video streams of an Analytics worker that are hosted on a server if the server is out of service.
Processing of a video stream that can’t be processed on a current Analytics worker.
Processing images received from the platform.
Processing statistics on the servers loads that is received from the Analytics workers.
Processing video streams that weren’t launched on Analytics workers for any reason.