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Personal data constructor

In the Personal data constructor section, the administrator can view the parameters that are available to a Portal user when completing their personal data on step 2 (Personal data) of the data verification process.

Upon navigation to this page, the following blocks of information are displayed:

image 16 (10).png

The Personal data constructor page

Last name and first name

The fields of the block are available to a Portal user when completing their personal data on step 2 (Personal data) of the data verification process in the Full name section.

By default, all the fields are mandatory.

Selecting the line opens a panel. This panel provides a detailed description of the selected field and allows for the editing of translations.

image 16 (11).png

The field description

Passport details

The fields of the block are available to a Portal user when completing their personal data on step 2 (Personal data) of the data verification process in the Passport data section.

By default, all the fields are mandatory.

Selecting the line opens a panel. This panel provides a detailed description of the selected field and allows for the editing of translations.

image 16 (12).png

The field description

Uploading files

The fields of the block are available to a Portal user when completing their personal data on step 2 (Personal data) of the data verification process in the Passport data section. The purpose of the field is to upload images of a passport or other types of the identification documents.

Selecting the line opens a panel. This panel provides a detailed description of the selected field and allows for the editing of translations.

image 16 (13).png

The field description

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