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Release 23.12.1 VMS

What’s new?

The Administrator client

  • A new User action tab is available on the panel with information about a camera, featuring filtering and sorting.

  • Now, the administrators without the Users access level don't have the Add user option available on the camera General data tab.

  • Cameras without specified coordinates aren’t displayed now on the Camcorder map.

  • An itercom name is now displayed in the Intercom # ID format.

  • A new Events tab is now available on the panel with information about an intercom, featuring filtering and sorting of events from devices, users' actions, and analytics events.

  • A new Temporary Codes tab is now available on the panel with information about an intercom, featuring creating and managing temporary codes.

  • It is now possible to set the limitations for viewing intercom videos in Live and Archive modes.

  • The logic of intercom key synchronization is now improved: the key synchronization is triggered by a single click of the icon, and the administrator is notified upon synchronization completion.

  • Now, a downloaded template contains all information on an apartment, including all users, keys, and the set limitations for accessing videos in Live and Archive modes if there are more than one intercom user in the apartment.

  • Intercom panel state monitoring is now available from a new Events tab (which features filtering and sorting events from devices, users' actions, and analytics events) and from the Logging section > Events.

  • It is now possible to set the door opening modes.

  • The setting up process of enabling and disabling apartment calls now follows the selected intercom operation scheme.

  • A notification is now in place to alert users when they’re trying to add an intercom without a free license.

  • Generating and downloading a new type of report, Report on intercoms, is now available.

  • The reports on licenses now include statistics on licenses and analytics.

  • A new Intercoms section is now introduced to display the statistics on a new parameter.

  • Now, the Support and software updates section includes the description of system licenses.

  • The Events section is renamed to Logging and new features are introduced. The Logging section contains two subsections, Events and User Actions, featuring filtering and sorting.

  • An updated list of logged actions performed by users and administrators is now available.

The Web client

  • Cameras without specified coordinates aren’t displayed now on the Camcorder map.

  • Now, the user is notified of the limitations if the limitations for viewing intercom videos in Live and Archive modes are set up.

  • A new design of a notification on an empty mandatory field is now available when creating an analytics case.

  • It is now possible to create sub-users via external services.

The mobile apps

  • It is now possible to save events filters within a session.

  • A new type of analytics, Container number recognition, is now available.

  • A new function that enables video viewing from itercoms in modes without the set limitations is now available. If the limitations were set both to Live and Archive, then an archive is available for events viewing only when navigating from the Events section, and Live is available only during calls receiving.

  • Upon archive downloading, the selection of dates on the calendar is now improved.

  • Now, the timeline displays the intercom call events.

  • The apps' reactions are now unified to follow missed calls from intercoms.

  • The logic for accepting calls from Beward intercoms is now improved.

  • Now, the user receives a notification on the update of the camera groups list only if they are on the Camera group tab.

The Desktop client

Launching the app
  • When launching the app, a dialogue window is displayed now if there is no access to the specified directory.

  • A new Users section is now available, featuring adding, copying, editing, and deleting sub-users. The section is enabled for the users with the relevant level of access.

  • The calendar on a general timeline is updated to enhance the dates selection for viewing archive videos.

  • In the Live and Archive sections, it is now possible to take a screenshot of the multiple cameras layout and save the captured screenshot as either a single screenshot of all cameras or as separate screenshots of each camera.

  • The process of adding layouts while creating a new layout group is now enhanced.

  • The option of a layout transfer is called now Add layout to group.

  • Now, users can report the camera issues by selecting the Complain about the camera option.

  • The camera transfer option is now called Add camera to group.



The Administrator client

  • An issue where intercoms were previously displayed to the users without a relevant access level is now fixed.

  • An issue while adding an intercom is now resolved.

  • A fix is implemented for the issue where previously the downloaded reports were deleted earlier than 60 days.

  • An issue with an incorrect camera transfer is now fixed.

The Web client

  • A fix is implemented for the issue where previously the analytics cases were duplicated if a camera was re-added.

The Desktop client

  • A fix is implemented for the issue where previously the Archive section missed the layout groups separator after the app relaunch.

Mobile apps

  • The incorrect display of analytics events is now fixed.

  • A fix is implemented for the issue where previously users didn’t receive a notification when entering a wrong current password when changing a password.

  • The absence of the delete icon on the Visitors tab is fixed.

  • A fix is implemented for the issue that previously allowed saving the required Name field only with spaces while renaming a camera.

  • A fix is implemented for the incorrect function of the Return button on the upper header panel when creating a widget.

  • A fix is implemented for the issue where previously there were no notifications on calls from intercoms.

  • A fix is implemented for the issue where previously the user navigated to the camera’s Live instead of Archive to the direct event.

  • A fix is implemented for the issue where previously the app failed to function if the user received a notification while in the All Cameras tab and the camera tree was open.

  • Now, the user lands in the relevant app’s tab when launching the app by navigating from a notification.

  • A fix is implemented for the issue where previously the user was automatically navigated to the My Screenshots tab upon launching the app.

  • A fix is implemented for the issue where previously the event information was incorrectly displayed when navigating to an inactive SMTP Motion Detection event.

  • A fix is implemented for the issue where previously there was no camera view display while searching for a camera.

  • A fix is implemented for the issue where previously a timeline was displayed in an ungenerated archive when navigating from a notification.

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