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The section is intended for exporting reports in Excel format in different aspects.

The generated reports are displayed in the table of each section and are available for download for two months.

About intercoms

The About intercoms section enables you to generate reports on all intercoms on the platform, including reports on all the streams of the cameras, intercoms, and media servers.

To generate a report:

  • Specify the start and end dates to generate the report.

  • Select an intercom.

  • Select Generate report.

As a result, a link for downloading will be generated.

A report has the following form:

image 8 (7).png

The report on intercoms

About the number of intercoms for the period

On the Report on the number of intercoms for the period page, you can generate reports on the number of intercoms that were added within the selected period.

To generate the report, specify the date range and select Generate report. As a result, a link to download a file will be automatically generated.

A report has the following form:

image 8 (8).png

The report on the added intercoms

About loading channels of media servers

Contains information about the load of all media servers that have:

  • Status set to Active.

  • Distribution enabled.

The report is generated on the current system date.

To generate a report, click Generate report.

As a result, a download link for the file will be generated.

Example report:

About loading channels of media servers report

About loading media servers

Contains information about the load of all media servers with the status Active and specified cluster.

The report is generated on the current system date.

To generate a report, click Generate report.

As a result, a download link for the file will be generated.

Example report:

About loading media servers report

A server is unavailable for adding cameras if:

  • The actual storage reaches 90%

  • The number of video streams on the server reaches the set limit

  • The bitrate reaches the set limit

About camera

Contains detailed information about all platform cameras, including information about camera streams.

The report is generated on the current system date.

To generate a report:

  • Select mediaserver group, cluster and mediaserver.

  • Click Generate report.

As a result, a download link for the file will be generated.

Example report:

About camera report

About camera report

About camera report

If the report contains up to 50,000 cameras, the report is generated as an Excel file. If the number of cameras exceeds 50,000, then the report is generated as a CSV file.

About cameras for the period

Contains information about the number of cameras added during the selected time period.

To generate an About cameras for the period report:

  • Specify the start date and end date for the export

  • Click the Generate report button

As a result, a download link for the file will be generated.

Example report:

The About cameras for the period report

About licenses

The report contains information about the number of licenses: Total / In use / Not in use /Shared:

  • For cameras

  • For intercoms

  • For the Analytics of each level.

The report is generated on the current system date.

To generate a report, click Generate report.

As a result, a download link for the report will be generated.

An example of a report:

image 8 (9).png

The licenses report

About media server

Contains information about all media servers on the platform.

The report is generated on the current system date.

To generate a report, click Generate report.

As a result, a download link for the file will be generated.

Example report:

About media server report

About inactive cameras

Contains information about all cameras with the status Inactive.

The report is generated on the current system date.

To generate a report, click Generate report.

As a result, a download link for the file will be generated.

Example report:

About inactive cameras report

The report contains information about the cameras.

About inactive servers

Contains information about media servers in the Inactive status.

The report is generated on the current system date.

To generate a report, click Generate report.

As a result, a download link for the file will be generated.

Example report:

The About inactive servers report

The report includes columns with information about media servers.

About the system

Contains summary information about system components: cameras, intercoms, media servers, DHCP, NTP servers, users, and so on.

The report is generated on the current system date.

To generate a report, click Generate report.

As a result, a download link for the file will be generated.

Example report:

The About the system report

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