Service availability. Registration. The Portal user personal account
Unregistered users should check if the service is available at the specified address.
For this, the user should navigate to the Portal page.
Here, select Service Availability or Sign Up. As a result, the Service availability form will be displayed for completion.
Specify the address and select Check.
If the service is currently unavailable at the address, you’ll be notified on it.
You may check another address or submit a request to include the address in the expansion plan of the provider. Selecting a relevant option opens a form for completion.
If the service is available at the specified address, a confirmation message will be displayed.
Next, you can check another address or select Registration to proceed with the registration process on the Portal.
Complete the opened Registration form:
Depending on the settings, you have the option to use either a phone number, an email, or both for registration on the Portal.
When you enter a login, select Send confirmation code. The code will be sent either by email or as an SMS to the phone, depending on the registration method. Paste the received code to the Confirmation code field.
If a code wasn’t delivered, select Send code again.
Next, set the password, get acquainted with the document on the personal data process. If agreed, select the checkbox.
Select Register to complete the registration process.
If you entered an invalid code, you’ll see a notification on it.
Upon successful registration, you navigate to the Portal user personal account to proceed with the address completion in the My data section. You can proceed with registration or select Cancel to complete it later.
Detailed description of how to complete the address and personal details, see in the Data verification documentation section.