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User events. iOS user

The User events tab includes:

  • Events manually set by the user. Events are set on the timeline when viewing camera archives in the mobile application and web user interface.

  • Answered and missed calls from the intercoms.

  • SMTP motion detection events.

User events

For each event, the line displays information:

  • Image at the moment of creation of the event

  • Date and time

  • Custom event name

  • Event type (for custom events)

  • Camera name

  • Camera location

If a label is added to a video segment without archived recording, it will be listed as Inactive event. Inactive events are automatically deleted after 30 days.

Event filtering

Filter provided:

  • By camera

  • By event period

To set up a filter by camera, click Filters and select Cameras.

Next, select the required cameras from the list. If necessary, use the camera search by name.

Camera selection

Tap Save.

On the next screen, if needed, you can edit the camera list.

Editing the camera list

On the same screen, if necessary, configure a filter by the period of event creation. Click Event period, select one of the preset values or set your own period.

Setting up a filter by period

After setting the filters, click Apply.

As a result, the list will contain only events that relate to the selected cameras and/or the specified period.

Adding a user event

To add an event, follow these steps:

  • Go to the archive of the camera

  • Select the time

  • Long-press on the timeline to create a mark and fill in the fields:

    • Event name

    • Date/time

  • Tap Done

The created events will be displayed on the timeline.

Creating an event

Viewing an event

To view the archive at the moment of an event, open the list of user events and tap on the desired row.

This will take you to play back the archive in the player at the exact moment of the event.

If it is an intercom camera that has the set limitations for viewing video in live and archive modes (for more details, see the View and edit an intercom section > the General data tab), the following will be available to view:

  • When a call is missed: 15 seconds before the call and 30 seconds after.

  • When a call is answered: 15 seconds before the call was answered and during the call.

Timeline with events

The timeline displays navigation buttons (previous and next event) for navigating between events.

When tapping on an event, the timeline will scroll to the event time, and a tooltip will display the event name, date, and exact time.

Event information

When reducing the timeline scale, event labels that are close in time are grouped together (highlighted in gray). Tapping on a group of labels will increase the timeline scale to display all events within the group.

Event groups

The timeline scale also adjusts when navigating between events using the navigation buttons to display all events within the group.

To return to viewing the camera in Live mode, tap the Back button in the application.

Additional actions

In the event list, tapping on the button next to the event name will display a menu with additional actions.

Accessing the additional menu

Additional actions include:

  • Go to the camera - navigate to viewing the camera archive at the event moment

  • Edit - change the event name and date/time of the event

  • Delete mark - remove the event

Modifying user events

To modify an event in the archive, tap on the additional menu and select Edit.

Available modifications include:

  • Event name

  • Date and time of the event (using timeline navigation or changing values in the Date and time field)

To save the changes, tap the Done button.

Modifying an event

Viewing the events list

You can access the events list from both Live view and archive view.

To do this, follow these steps:

  • Go to the camera view in any mode (Live or Archive)

  • Open the additional menu

  • Select Events list

As a result, you will go to the User events tab to the list of events filtered by the current camera.

Deleting a user event

To delete an event, tap the button to open the additional menu and select Delete.

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