Video Streams
The Video Streams tab is designed for configuring low and high-quality video streams and viewing parameters. The following functions are available for each stream:
Addition and deletion.
Restart and enable/disable.
Transfer to another media server.
Enable/disable audio.
View stream parameters.
Go to the parameters of the media server to which the stream is distributed.
Video streams can be added in three ways:
Manually when adding cameras manually.
Manually when adding cameras automatically.
Automatically when adding cameras automatically.
For each stream, the following parameters are displayed:
Video stream status:
Empty (no link to the stream)
If there are errors in the video stream, the camera's characteristic is displayed: Incorrect, Problematic, Disconnected. Clicking on it will navigate to the Incorrect cameras section. The characteristic is displayed when the Incorrect cameras function is enabled in the media server settings on the General data tab (see the Viewing and editing Media Server section).
Restart stream button.
Transfer stream button to another media server (description provided below).
Stream address input field. The address of the low and high-quality streams can be obtained in the camera management web interface.
Stream bitrate.
Output rate, the current bitrate value delivered to users.
Image resolution.
Number of clients – количество просмотров на текущий момент данного потока, полученное при последнем переопросе медиасервера.
Main media server to which the stream is distributed. Clicking on it will navigate to the card of that media server.
Additional media server reserved for stream backup in case the main media server fails. Clicking on it will navigate to the card of that media server.
Stream UUID.
Stream addition type: manual or auto.
Number of reconnection attempts since the connection was lost.
Total number of reconnection attempts.
Presence of audio recording (for cameras supporting this feature).
Save changes button.
The Delete button.
Stream deletion is only possible for cameras whose streams were added manually (auto-manual, manual-manual).
Enable/disable stream button.
Share button, generate a link for external users to view the camera video (description provided below).
Stream Transfer
To transfer a stream to another media server, select the button:
As a result, an automatic search for corresponding media servers is performed. The following criteria are considered during the search:
If the stream is reserved on an additional media server and the camera settings specify a media server group, a search for two media servers (main and additional) is performed within the clusters of the group. If no group is specified, but the camera's IP address belongs to one of the subnets of one of the groups, the search for media servers is performed within the clusters of the group. If no group is specified and the camera's IP address does not belong to any of the subnets of the groups, the search for media servers is performed within the clusters outside the group.
If the stream is not reserved, only a search for the main media server among the non-clustered media servers is performed. After the search is completed, it is possible to select a cluster with two media servers to reserve the stream on the additional media server.
During the search for a media server, its settings and status are checked:
Distribution should be enabled.
Stream limit should not be exceeded.
Bitrate limit should not be exceeded.
The group specified in the media server should match the camera's group.
The media server's storage should not be more than 80% full.
After the search is completed, the result is displayed:
After the automatic search is completed, there is an option to manually select a cluster from the list of all clusters. In this case, a search for two media servers, main and additional, is performed within the selected cluster.
When the cluster of media servers meets all the search requirements, the names of the media servers are displayed on the form.
After selecting the cluster, confirm the stream transfer action.
The stream transfer button becomes unavailable for 1 hour after the transfer.
When transferring a video stream, the archive remains on the original media server. However, the archive indexes are transferred to the new media server.
If archive recording is not enabled, the archive indexes are not transferred. To transfer the indexes, archive recording must be enabled.
There may be a case where playback of the archive is incorrect after transferring streams. To fix this issue, there is a function provided to update the archive indexes. To initiate the function, click on the Update Indexes button:
Stream Activation Toggle
The stream activation toggle is available for cameras added automatically or cameras added automatically with manual stream activation.
When adding a camera in automatic mode, the toggle is set to automatic stream activation by default: auto. In this case, the stream address is not available for editing.
To change the stream address, set the toggle to manual mode, in this case, the stream address is entered manually.
Switching to manual mode can be done before obtaining the camera's IP address via the DHCP server using the reservation
method (see the Auto-Provisioning Algorithm and Methods section).
When manual mode is enabled, the IP address obtained during the execution of the attach_camera
method is saved (see the Auto-Provisioning Algorithm and Methods section), and the auto-provisioning process is stopped.
When switching back (manual → auto), the auto-provisioning process is resumed.
This function is intended to provide access to external unregistered users for viewing camera video. It can generate both permanent and temporary links.
When clicking Share, a form for access configuration is displayed:
Choose one of the viewing options:
LIVE, real-time video viewing without access to the archive.
ARCHIVE, viewing the archive starting from the specified date and time. The available viewing time is one day from the specified date.
Archive mode is only available for high-quality streams.
When the Public Link setting is enabled, there is no expiration date for the link.
When the Public Link setting is enabled, access to the camera is granted without a token. Therefore, to provide external access to the camera, the External Access setting needs to be enabled (see the General data tab).
If the setting is disabled, you should specify a discount period. Depending on the selected button, the duration is specified in hours or days. The maximum period is 30 days.
Choose the protocol type. Available values are:
rtsp for viewing the RTSP stream.
hls for viewing the HLS stream.
After completing the settings, click «Generate Link» to generate the link and share it with the external user.