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Add a Beward intercom

The manual method is used to add intercoms from the Beward vendor.

To add a new intercom, make sure you have enough licenses. For this, check the Licenses section.

If there is no free license when trying to add an intercom, you will see a relevant notification.

To add an intercom, follow the steps:

  1. In the Devices section, go to Intercoms list, and select the Add Intercom button. This will display the form to complete.

image 57.png

A Beward intercom

  • Vendor. The vendor (manufacturer) of the intercom. Select Beward.

  • Name. Give a name to the intercom.

  • IP. Specify the IP address of the intercom.

  • MAC address. Specify the MAC address of the intercom.

  • Port. Specify the port of the intercom.

  • Schema. Select http or https.

  • Login, Password. Specify the relevant credentials to access the intercom.

  1. Select Check status to check availability of the intercom with the provided data. The availability check is also performed automatically when the Add Intercom button is selected.

  2. Select Add Intercom to complete the action. To cancel the action, select Cancel.

A successfully added device will be displayed in the list of intercoms.

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