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Analytics cases

The Analytics cases tab is the primary element of the analytics interface, providing the ability to create new analytics cases, monitor their status, and view statistics using the wizard.

The page displays a table with a list of created analytics cases. For each case, the following information is provided:

  • Analytics case name

  • Analytics type

  • Analytics case status

  • Number of cameras involved in the analytics case

  • Date of case creation

  • Analytics case delete button

Analytic cases

The Cameras count column is displayed when the user has access to archive and current events on the cameras.

Selecting a row navigates to the page for viewing analytics results and configuring the case. Details are provided in the Viewing and editing analytics cases section.

The Analytics events button displays a notification counter if the Reflect event in sidebar reaction is configured.

Searching by the analytics case name is supported.

The table records can be filtered by:

  • Type of analytics

  • Case status

You can choose the number of items displayed per page: 15, 25, 50, or 100.

Analytics case statuses






  • All camera streams are operational. Events are being triggered from all cameras. Streams are active.

  • The user has paused a camera. Events are not triggered. Streams are active.

Partially active


  • One of the cameras in the analytics case is offline due to a non-user-initiated issue.

  • Events are not triggered.

  • Stream is inactive.

On hold


  • The user has temporarily paused the analytics case.

  • Camera events are not triggered for this analytics case.

  • Camera streams are active.



  • All cameras are offline due to a non-user-initiated issue.

  • Camera events are not triggered.

  • Camera streams are inactive.

Add an analytics case

To add a new analytics case, select Add. This will take you to the page for adding a new case.

The process may vary depending on the type of analytics, as described in the Add an analytics case section.

Delete an analytics case

For details about how to delete an analytics case, see this documentation page.

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