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Apartment settings for Intersvyaz intercoms

You have the flexibility to configure settings at two levels: general settings applicable to all apartments, and individual settings specific to each apartment. The Settings button is available to manage all the apartments only if a range of apartments is specified.

When changing the general settings, all individual settings remain unchanged.

The set of settings depends on the type of connection.

The general list of settings for Intersvyaz intercoms:

  • Resistance settings:

    • Quiescent resistance settings means setting a handset pickup threshold.

    • Resistance level when picking up the handset means setting a resistance level for handset pickup.

    • Break resistance means setting a resistance level for a disconnected line.

    • Error resistance means setting a resistance level of the handset in case of malfunction.

  • Volume settings:

    • Panel system volume means settings the primary operational volume that includes the sound of key presses on the panel, the melody played when the door opens, the melody of the apartment call during a call, and the error sound during a call, among other things.

  • Handset (tube) settings:

    • Handset ring analog volume means setting the handset ring volume.

    • Handset talk analog volume means setting the handset speaker volume.

    • Speech volume on panel speaker means setting the panel speaker volume.

Mobile application

  • A panel speaker volume (during a conversation).

  • A panel microphone amplification.

Availability of settings

The following settings are available depending on the type of connection:






Combined 1

Combined 2

Resistance level for a disconnected line






Resistance level of the handset in case of malfunction






Handset pickup threshold






Resistance level for handset pickup











Combined 1

Combined 2

Volume settings

Primary operational volume






Handset settings

Handset ring analog volume






Handset talk analog volume






Panel speaker volume






Mobile application

Panel speaker volume






Panel microphone amplification






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