Created via the User Portal
A B2C user card of the user created via the User Portal includes the following sections:
B2C User.
Added addresses.
Details that are displayed in the Profile and Added addresses sections must be verified and confirmed by the administrator on User Portal Manager.
Confirmation option becomes available only once the user completes step 1 and step 2 and selects Complete data verification on step 3.
Below, you can find details on how the user completes data on the User Portal and how these details are available on the User Portal Manager.
The Profile section
In the Profile section, you find the information submitted by the user in step 2 (Personal data) of the data validation process in the My details section.
The block is available only to view unless the user completes step 1 and step 2 and selects Complete data verification on step 3. To view the section, select the View icon.
Once the user completes their registration, the Edit icon becomes available in the user card to edit the status.
The Edit icon
Selecting the Edit icon opens the page where you can manage the profile status.
As a result of verification, select one of the statuses:
Ready to check. Continue personal data verification without a status update.
Declined. The submitted details are incorrect. If this status is selected, an additional Reason field is displayed to complete with the reason.
Confirmed. The submitted personal details are correct and complete. Once this status is selected, an additional Personal data valid to field becomes available. Here, specify the date when details should be verified again.
Once a status is selected, choose the Update profile button to save the introduced changes.
If the Confirmed or Declined status was selected, it becomes impossible to update the status after update is performed.
With the Declined status, the user addresses receive this status as well. The user gets the Checked status.
If the operator declined the submitted details, the user will see the result and the reason in their personal account in the User Portal.
The declined personal submitted details
If the submitted details are correct, the administrator should check the user addresses.
Added addresses
In the Added addresses block, you find the list of all added addresses the user specified during the registration process on the User Portal.
The block is available only to view unless the user completes step 1 and step 2 and selects Complete data verification on step 3. To view the address details, select the View (eye) icon.
The View icon
Once the user completes the registration, the edit icon will become available in the list of addresses and in the address card. Select the Edit icon to proceed with verification.
The Edit icon
Address confirmation is available only once the personal details are verified.
Selecting the Edit icon navigates you to the page of the status setting.
Selecting a status
From the drop-down list, select a relevant status for the address:
Ready to check – continue the verification process without changing of the status.
Declined – the submitted address is invalid. Selecting this status opens an additional filed to specify the reason.
Confirmed – the submitted address is correct. Selecting this status opens an additional filed to specify the date until which the data is considered valid.
To save the selected status, select Update Address.
If there are several addresses to verify, repeat the process for each address.