The first run of Mediaserver
When launching the server after installation, it needs to be configured. The server can be configured through configuration files or through an API interface.
To view the server settings, use the command:
more /opt/<xxxx>/media-server/media-server.ini
The server can operate in single-mode or cluster-mode.
Fault tolerance is provided by the cluster mode. The API provides health-checks for servers (nodes) that are part of the cluster. In case of communication failure with a neighboring server, its threads are redistributed among others. This setting is specified in the camera stream configuration setting.
primary-node = <xxxx>ms2-local.<xxxx>.video // for DVR. Main hostname
secondary-node = <xxxx>ms1-local.<xxxx>.video // Backup
The DVR archive is preferably created on the server specified in the primary-node
parameter. If the server is unavailable for any reason, the video stream is captured by the neighboring server specified as the secondary-node
, and the archive recording is done on it. When the connection to the main server is restored, the video stream is re-captured, and the archive recording continues on the main server. When users access the archive, the main server requests the archive from the neighboring server for the time the main server was unavailable.
When recording, archive files are indexed for quick searching of the required fragment. Index files are created in the recording directory for this purpose.
If the cluster mode is not enabled, the secondary-node
parameter can be left empty.
Example of server configuration file settings.
SSL certificates
Certificates provide authentication verification of the user's connection to the server.
Server link / automatic launch
To work correctly, it is necessary to create a link to the server.
ln -s /opt/<xxxx>/media-server/<xxxx>-media-server.service <xxxx>-media-server.service
systemctl enable <xxxx>-media-server.service
Web interface
The server's web interface has the form: