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In the Glossary section, you find a comprehensive list of specialized terms used in the VMS documentation. This resource ensures a clear understanding of both the terms themselves and their context within the documentation.


Video analytics powered by intelligent neural networks, either as an independent product or as an integral part of the VSaaS platform. This system analyzes and processes video streams from a variety of sources with reactions to selected events.


Auto-provisioning is the process of adding and setting up cameras automatically. It includes the automatic generation of a location, entity, and camera profile, reserving an IP address for the camera via the DHCP server, and managing the reception and transmission of camera streams to the media server.


Billing software is a system that gathers data about the utilization of telecommunication services, determines their costs, sends invoices to subscribers, and manages payment transactions.

Camera ID

The camera ID is a unique identifier (a number) for a video camera, denoted by the ‘#’ symbol. For instance, #189.


CRM and CMS are systems designed for customers that facilitate the management of contracts with service users.

DHCP option 82

DHCP option 82 is a protocol option with DHCP used to inform the DHCP server about the origin of the request. This option is utilized to address the challenge of binding an IP address to a switch port and to safeguard against DHCP protocol attacks. Option 82 comprises of two sub-options:

  • Agent Circuit ID. This contains information about the port from which the DHCP relay request was received.

  • Agent Remote ID. This is the identifier of the DHCP relay itself, which is established during configuration. For instance, it could be the MAC address of the switch, its description, or any other suitable value.

DHCP pool

The DHCP pool is a list of addresses that will be assigned to DHCP clients.

DHCP server

The DHCP server is a server used to issue and manage IP addresses for cameras within the platform.

Equipment monitoring system

The equipment monitoring system provides control over the life cycle of the customer’s network equipment, such as cameras.


A high-performance server designed for processing various types of information such as video, audio, and data. Mediaserver can be used as a standalone product or as a component of the VSaaS platform for receiving video streams and data from cameras and other devices, processing video, archiving recordings, and distributing them to users in selected formats.


NTP (Network Time Protocol) is a protocol utilized for synchronizing local system clocks with a designated time server.


PTZ is a feature that allows for remote control of a camera’s pan, tilt, and zoom functions via the ONVIF protocol. This enables the user to adjust the camera’s field of view and focus on specific areas for detailed monitoring.


A token is a digital asset or certificate that validates and represents the ownership rights of an individual.


A track is a sequence of measurements or observations that are associated with the same object or event. Such tracks can be utilized to analyze the trajectories, behaviors, and interactions of objects.


UUID, or Universally Unique Identifier, is a unique identifier that is widely used in software development. It serves as a standard for creating identifiers that are unique across all space and time, ensuring that no two identifiers are the same.

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