Settings. The Desktop client
In the Settings section, the user can perform the following actions:
Set up an account.
Add, edit, and delete sub-users.
Edit the desktop settings.
Set up video playback.

In the Account section, the information is grouped on the tabs, from where the user can perform various actions.
On the General information tab, the user can perform the following actions:
View the current username and login.
Change the password.
Set up automatic authorization (not secure).
Follow the link to the product documentation page.
Log out.
On the Active sessions tab, the user can view and update the list of sessions, as well as end inactive sessions by selecting a relevant button.
The Users section contains a list of the sub-users that are added by the current user.
A sub-user is enabled to perform the same actions as the current user, apart from accessing the Users section and adding new sub-users.

The list of the sub-users
In the Users section, the user can perform the following actions:
Add another user.
Edit a user, including setting up permissions and a password change.
Add a new user via duplicating (cloning) an existing user.
Delete a user.
Add a sub-user
To add a sub-user, follow the steps:
Select Add user to open the Create user panel and complete the form with the following information:
General information: a name, an email, a password.
Specify the access restrictions for each case:
Layouts access
Groups access
Cameras access
Under Permissions, specify the action restrictions. For this, expand the action by selecting its name.
Under Business cases analytics:
Specify the number of licenses available at each level for the user.
Enable or disable access to create a business case for analytics.
Analytics license
Camera groups
User settings
Under IP-address pool, specify an available pool of IP addresses from which access to the web interface is allowed. If a user tries to access the app from an IP address that isn’t specified in the pool, they’ll see the message “Access from this IP address is denied” on the authorization page.
It is possible to enable the sub-user's access to layouts and/or camera groups only if the sub-user has access to view cameras that are added to these layouts and/or camera groups.

Setting up the number of licenses and access to the creation of business cases
The user will be notified in the following cases:
They enable access for a sub-user to a layout without enabling access to all cameras in this layout.
They enable access for a sub-user to a cameras group without enabling access to all cameras in this group.
They disable access for a sub-user to a camera but keep access to a layout that includes this camera.
They disable access for a sub-user to a camera but keep access to a camera group that includes this camera.
Following the revocation of analytics licenses, data pertaining to analytics types, reactions, events, and resources will be preserved for a period of seven days and subsequently erased.
Select Create to complete adding a user and saving the settings (the function is available with the necessary access permissions).
Change a password
To change a password, follow these steps:
In the Users list, select the edit icon of a relevant user to open the panel with the user’s information.
The Edit icon
Select Change password.
In the opened window, enter a new password and confirm it.
Select Change password to save the changes.
The password must contain at least 8 characters. The password may include lower- and upper-case Latin letters and special characters: {6-255} [a-z 0-9 !@#$%&*()_+-=[]{};\ ':"|,.<>/?]
Duplicate a user
The option of duplicating a sub-user enables a quick creation of a new sub-user that duplicates the existing settings of the user that is being duplicated.
While duplicating, all the settings are copied except for the login and password.
To clone a sub-user, follow the steps:
In the Users list, select the icon to create a cloned sub-user from a relevant user. This action opens the panel with the new user’s information to be edited.
The icon to duplicate a sub-user
Create a new password and login.
If required, edit the permissions of a duplicated sub-user.
Select Create at the bottom of the page to complete the action.
Delete a user
To delete a user, open the Users list, select the Delete icon for the relevant user, and confirm the action.
The icon to delete a sub-user
When a user is deleted, all information about the analytics cases they created is also deleted.
In the Program section, the user can perform the following actions:
Select a language.
Adjust the maximum number of open layouts.
Enable and disable loading of layouts and external windows when launching the desktop app.
Enable and disable automatic transition to full-screen mode when opening a layout in a separate window or on another monitor.
Enable and disable minimization of all individual windows on all monitors when minimizing the main program window.
Enable and disable the display of layouts in the main program window when closing individual windows.
Select the path to save files. If the path is specified, the files will be automatically downloaded to the specified directory. If the path isn’t specified, then a directory selection form will be displayed each time a file is downloaded from the desktop app.
Enable and disable all layout templates in Archive/DVR mode. When enabled, the user gets access to additional layout templates that contain up to 16 cameras.
Using many high-resolution cameras may cause performance issues, including slowdowns and freezes, and increase network usage. Ensure your system can handle the demands of multiple high-definition video streams
Turn on and off the notification sound.
Turn on and off sound for a new event.
To save the edited settings, select Save changes.
Changes will take effect once the application is restarted.
In the Playback section contains, the user can manage the following settings:
Select a playback protocol.
Enable and disable content buffering.
Buffering allows for smoother content playback, but may cause playback delays and increase RAM consumption
Edit the buffer size. The setting is active when content buffering is enabled.
Enable and disable the use of hardware acceleration.
Enable and disable automatic switch to low quality streams during high CPU or network load.
Select an audio output device.
To save the edited settings, select Save changes.
Changes will take effect once the application is restarted.