Add a visitor (Android, iOS)
On the Visitors tab, the mobile app user can easily manage access to premises. Here, they can add up to 5 (five) visitors and generate a temporary intercom codes for them. This code can be shared with the visitor so they open the door by themselves.
Add a visitor
To add a visitor, follow the steps:
On the Visitors tab, tap New visitor.
User can add up to 5 visitors.
On the opened Add visitor tab, complete the fields:
A visitor name.
Select the duration time during which this visitor can access the premises. When you select Date, specify the date and time until which the visitor can access the premises.
The code is valid starting from the current time.

Adding a visitor
Tap Add visitor. As a result, a new visitor will be added to the list. The code for this visitor is automatically generated and displayed under the name of the visitor on the Visitors tab.
The code validity can’t be extended.
Share a code
To enable the added visitor to open the door independently, share a generated code with them. To share the code, follow these steps:
Tap the code of the selected in the list visitor.
On the opened tab, select the way to share the code:
Copy code. The code will be copied to the clipboard on your mobile device.
Share code. You can share the code through third party apps available on your device.
To cancel sharing a code, tap Cancel.

Sharing options