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Add a profile. Authorize in the mobile app (Android, iOS)

When the app is installed, proceed with a profile creation and authorization in the app.

Add a profile

To add a profile, use one of the following options:

Use the Create profile button

  1. When you first enter the mobile app, use the Create profile button.

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Creating a profile

  1. On the opened tab, perform the actions:

  • Specify a profile name.

  • Enter the URL address of the video platform server.

  1. Select Save profile to save the profile. The URL will be automatically checked. You’ll be automatically redirected to the Profiles page if the URL is correct. On this page, the created profile is preselected for further authorization. If the URL is invalid, you’ll see a relevant notification. In this case, correct the URL.

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Complete the fields

  1. Select Go to authorization to proceed with authorization.

  2. On the opened tab, enter your login and password and select Enter.

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Enter your login and password

Scan the QR code

To create a profile scanning a QR code, you should access the Web client interface, the Profile section.

  1. When you first enter the mobile app, use the Create profile button.

  2. To activate the QR code scanner on your device, select Scan QR code. Allow the app to access your device camera.

  3. To scan the QR code, open the Web client interface, the Profile section. Point the device camera at the QR code. When the QR code is successfully read, the Profile name and API URL fields are automatically prepopulated. You can edit them if required.

  4. Select Save profile to save the profile. You’ll be automatically redirected to the Profiles page. On this page, the created profile is preselected for further authorization.

  5. Select Go to authorization to proceed with authorization.

  6. On the opened tab, enter your login and password and select Enter.

Authorize in the mobile app

You can authorize in the mobile app using either the standard method or a third-party service (if available):

  1. If you have several profiles, select a relevant profile to authorize. For this, when you enter the mobile app, from the authorization page, select the Settings button. On the opened Profiles panel, select a checkbox of the relevant profile and Go to authorization. You’ll be redirected to the authorization page.

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The Settings button

  1. On the authorization page, use one of the options:

  • Enter your login and password and select Enter.

  • If authorization via a third-party service is available, select the Enter through site button (this is an example of a possible button name). This option allows you to use your existing credentials from another service to enter the mobile app. Selecting this button will redirect you to the authorization page of the third-party service. Once authorized, you’ll be automatically returned to the mobile app as an authorized user.

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Authorization via a site

If the administrator enabled the Display captcha on the client authorization page option, the user has to enter a captcha code while authorizing. The captcha code consists of uppercase and lowercase latin lettter (excluding the letter 'O') and digits from 1 to 9.

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The captcha code

If the number of sessions is over the set limits, you’ll see the list of active and inactive sessions. To be able to continue with the authorization process, close inactive sessions and enter the mobile app. For details, see the Active sessions documentation page.

For devices with Android 14 and newer: Users will be prompted with a dialogue box seeking permission to send notifications the first time they launch the app after registering. This permission is required to receive notifications on incoming calls when the device screen is blocked.

When you first enter the mobile app, the system will request access to send notifications.

Once authorized, you enter the mobile app with the following tabs:

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The mobile app interface

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