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The Complaints section contains the subsections: Cameras and Analytics.


In the Cameras section, a list of cameras with the reported issues is displayed. The issues are reported by users via mobile apps, a user’s web interface, from the desktop. The list of cameras contains all the cameras, including those associated with bridges.

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The list of cameras with complaints

Each row contains the following details:

  • A camera ID

  • A camera name

  • A camera status

  • A number of reported complaints (under Quantity)

  • A camera location

Selecting a camera location redirects you to view a card with the camera details.

Selecting the line of a relevant camera will redirect you to the list of complaints reported for this camera.

The opened list of complaints is presented in a table consisting of the following columns:

  • A type of complaint

  • A user name

  • A user login

  • A number of complaints of this type from one user (Quantity)

  • An update date

  • A status

Complaints are grouped as follows:

  • If there is one type of complaint from different users, then these complaints are displayed in different rows.

  • If there are different complaints from the same user, then these complaints are also displayed in different rows.

  • If there are several complaints of the same type from one user, then the complaints are displayed in one line, and the Quantity column displays the number of such complaints.


The list of complaints

The following types of complaints are provided:

  • No sound

  • No picture

  • Foreign objects in the lens

  • Interruptions in work

  • Swing mechanism defective

You can search by a username and login.



To change the status of a complaint to Processed, select the corresponding icon in the Status column and confirm the action.


Changing the status to Processed


In the Analytics subsection, you can track cameras with the reported complaints. Users report complaints via the web interface while viewing an analytics cases.

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The list of complaints on analytics

Selecting a camera location redirects you to view a card with the camera details.

Selecting the line of a relevant camera will redirect you to the list of complaints reported for this camera.

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The list of complaints on a specific camera

The opened list of complaints is presented in a table consisting of the following columns:

  • A complaint type: Analytics events do not arrive. Analytics stream is inactive. or

    Analytics events do not arrive. Analytics stream is active.

  • A UID of an analytics stream. Selecting it will redirect you to the Analytics section > Streams featuring the details of this steam.

  • A user’s name who reported an issue.

  • A user’s login.

  • A number of complaints (under Quantity) for this user.

  • An update date

  • A status

You can search by a username and login.

To change the status of a complaint to Processed, select the corresponding icon in the Status column and confirm the action.

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