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Create and manage a project

All management actions for archived video happen within projects created in this section. Each project is a separate, unique workspace environment for added video files. Uploaded video files and editing results are stored within these projects. This means, to edit, watch, or save your finished video, a project and the added video files are required.

When managing a project in the Archive manager, pay attention to the following details:

  • The maximum total video duration allowed for a single project is 60 hours for both uploading and downloading.

  • Each individual video file for upload to the project can’t exceed 1 hour in length.

  • Each individual cell in the editor can hold a maximum of 10 hours of video.

  • A maximum of 6 cells is available in a layout.

  • Only MP4 files are accepted.

In the article:

  • Create a project.

  • Edit a project name.

  • Delete a project.

Create a project

You can create a project in one of the following ways:

  • From within the Archive manager section, See the description below.

  • From within the Downloads section > the Uploaded files tab. In this case, the created project automatically includes the archived footage files selected for sending to the Archive manager from the Uploaded files tab. For details, navigate to the Uploaded files tab article section.

From within the Archive manager section

A user can create up to 15 projects. When the limit is reached, delete one of the existing projects to be able to create more projects.

To create a project, follow the steps:

  1. In the Archive manager section, select the Create project button.

  2. In the opened Create project window, enter a name for a new project. Allowed characters: Cyrillic, Latin, numbers, hyphen, special characters !@#$%^&*()[]{}<>_- and their combinations. Maximum name length - 50 characters. The project name should be unique.

image 32 (5).png

Creating a project

  1. Select Create project to complete the action. To cancel, select Cancel.

The created project will be listed under All projects. The default layout of the project contains 1 cell and can be changed.

  1. Next, add video files to process in the created project. For details, see the Manage video in the project article.

Edit a project name

To edit a project name, follow the steps:

  1. From the list of projects, select a relevant one and choose its Edit icon Button.png.

  2. In the opened window, edit the name. A new name should be unique.

  3. To save the changes, select Rename. To cancel the action, select Cancel.

Delete a project

Deleting a project also removes the video files associated with it.

To delete a project, follow the steps:

  1. From the list of projects, select a relevant one and choose its Delete icon.

  2. In the opened window, confirm the action with Delete. To cancel the action, select Cancel.

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