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Download an archive segment (Android, iOS)

The mobile app user can view camera footage in Archive mode of the player if this camera has the enabled archive and this use has access to the archive.

The archive in the mobile app supports downloads of video segments with a duration between 2 seconds and 10 minutes.

You can download a longer duration segment from the app web interface.

To download an archive segment, follow the steps:

  1. On the Cameras tab, select a relevant camera and navigate to its archive.

  2. Tap the video in the player to activate the Download button.

  3. Tap the Download button at the top-right of the player.

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The Download button

  1. On the opened tab, specify the start date and time of the segment to download. The archive supports downloads of video segments with a duration between 5 seconds and 10 minutes.

  • The Start field. By default, the field is prefilled with the date and time that is relevant to the slider position on the timeline in Archive mode. If required, edit the date and time using the calendar. For this, tap the calendar icon in the field and select a date to download an archive segment. Only dates with an existing archive are available for selection. The start time of the download segment cannot be set earlier than 10 minutes before the current time from the camera. If you specify a start time for which there is no archive, the system will automatically adjust the time to the nearest available archive and display a corresponding notification.

  • The Duration of the fragment field. This field is automatically prefilled. The system identifies available segment duration that is up to 10 minutes. When an available archive segment is less than 10 minutes, the system will automatically display available segment duration. If required, adjust duration.

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Downloading an archive segment

For intercom cameras with archive viewing restrictions set by the administrator (for more details, see the View and edit an intercom section > the General data tab), archive segment downloading is available as follows:

  • For an answered call – 15 seconds before a call, during a call, and 30 seconds after the call is ended.

  • For a call that wasn’t accepted – 15 seconds before a call and 30 seconds after.

  1. Tap the Download button. This initiates downloading the selected fragment. To cancel the started process, select the Cancel button on the opened Downloading video tab.

  2. Upon successful download, you’ll see the Download tab with the management options of the downloaded archive segment:

  • Save to my videos. The video is saved in the app. You can find the saved video archive in this way on the Other tab > My screenshots and videos.

  • Save to gallery. The video is automatically saved to the mobile app gallery.

  • Share. By using this feature, you will send the video directly to messaging apps, email, or cloud storage without saving it to your device gallery.


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