The homepage of the Administrator client
Upon successful authorization, you will be directed to the homepage of the Administrator client.
On the homepage of the Administrator client, you can view statistics about users, cameras, platform servers, and reported complaints on cameras.
You can always navigate to the homepage from other sections of the Administrator client, selecting the logo at the top-left.
The Administrator client
The data is presented according to the settings of the time zone of the current user.
You can track the current version number of VMS at the left-bottom.
You can track information on the page in the following blocks:
Filter by a time period
On the page, you can track the details about users and cameras up to the final date of the selected period.
The following filters are available on the page:
Today. Selecting this filter displays information from 00:00 of the current day to the current date and time.
Yesterday. Selecting this filter displays information from 00:00 to 23:59.
Week. Selecting this filter displays information for the last seven days, including today’s data.
28 days. Selecting this filter displays information for the past 28 days, including today’s data.
Setting a customized time period displays information for the specified period.

The filters
To set a customized time period:
Select the field with the dates.
On the opened calendar, select the start and end dates of the period to filter the information.

A customized time period
In the Users block, you find the following details:
The total number of users up to the final date of the selected period.
The variation in the total user count, expressed both numerically and as a percentage, for the given period.
The number of special users, variation in the count of them, expressed both numerically and as a percentage, for the given period.
The number of subusers, variation in the count of them, expressed both numerically and as a percentage, for the given period.
The number of users added by the customer, variation in the count of them, expressed both numerically and as a percentage, for the given period.
In the Cameras block, you find the following details:
The total number of cameras up to the final date of the selected period.
The variation in the total camera count, expressed both numerically and as a percentage, for the given period.
The number of inactive cameras.
The number of cameras with issues.
Under Top Bitrate Cameras, you can track an IP address of a camera and a camera bitrate.

In the Servers block, you find the following details:
The total number of active and inactive servers.
The number of servers included in distribution. This is the number of the servers that are available for accepting video streams.
The average number of users per server.
The average number of cameras per server
Under Top Bitrate Servers, you can track a server name and a server bitrate.

In the Issues block, you find the following details:
The number of complaints.
The number of cameras with reported complaints.
Under Top cameras by the number of complaints, you can track an IP address of a camera and a number of complaints associated with this camera.

Filter by a time period
The change in the number of users and cameras is displayed for the selected time period. Filters are provided to select the period:
Today - from 00:00 of the current day to the current time.
Yesterday - for yesterday from 00:00 to 23:59.
Week - for the last seven days, including the current day.
28 days - for the last 28 days, including the current day.
Customizable time period.

Filtering by time period
To set the time period, click on the field with the dates. As a result, a calendar will appear for selecting the dates:
The first click on the date indicates the day from which the data is counted.
The second click on the date indicates the day on which the data counting ends.

Setting the time period