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Manage cameras in a layout

You can manage cameras from within the layout. To call out the camera context menu, select the vertical ellipses icon () for this camera in a layout. The following management actions are available for a selected camera:

  • Rename a camera.

  • Navigate to the camera settings.

  • Add a camera to a group.

  • Add a camera to favorites.

  • Report a camera issue.

  • Delete a camera from a layout.

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The camera management options

Rename a camera

Selecting the Rename camera option opens the Rename camera field. Here, enter a new name for the camera. It must be up to 50 symbols and unique. To complete the action, select Rename.

Navigate to the camera settings

Selecting the Camera settings option navigates you to the Settings panel with the following tools.

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The camera settings

  • Under About camera, you can find additional details, such as the camera name and address.

  • Selecting Tell us about camera problem allows you to report an issue detected with this camera. On the opened tab, tap an issue from the provided list and Send. The list of available issues:

    • Foreign object in the lens

    • No sound

    • No picture

    • Interruptions in work

    • Swing mechanism defective

  • Select Rename camera to rename the camera. On the opened tab, change the camera name and select Rename.

Add a camera to a group

Selecting Add camera to group opens the list of available groups to add this camera to.

When a camera is part of another group, the group will be pre-selected in the available groups list. You can’t clear the checkbox for this group in the Select group list. The Clean option isn’t applicable to this selection.

To complete the action, tap Add camera to group.

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Selecting a group

Add a camera to favorites

From the opened menu, select Add camera to favorites to mark this camera as a favorite one. Once successfully added, you’ll see a notification and the star icon will indicate the camera in the layout. The camera will be listed on the Favorites tab.

To remove a camera from favorites, follow the steps:

  1. Select a camera and tap the context menu icon (⋮).

  2. From the opened menu, select Delete camera from favorites. Once successfully deleted, you’ll see a notification.

Report a camera issue

Selecting Tell us about camera problem opens a list of issues to select from to report on:

  • Foreign objects in the lens

  • No sound

  • No picture

  • Interruptions in work

  • Swing mechanism defective

Select Send to complete the action. Once the message is sent, you’ll see a notification.

Delete a camera from a layout

Select Delete camera from layout to remove a camera from the selected layout. Confirm the action.

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