Manual update of the tariff plan information
The administrator can manually re-initiate the tariff plan information update. This option is available for the tariff plans with the Active status.
To start the update, follow the steps:
Navigate to the user card.
Under the Tariffs section, select the context menu icon (…) to call out the list of actions. From the menu, select Sync.
Next, the system requests the information about the user and the requested service from the customer billing.
If the requested information isn’t received:
On the User Portal Manager, the following is available:
A message on about an error.
The displayed data for the tariff plan remains unchanged (the tariff plan name, the status, and the end date).
The administrator can manually re-initiate the tariff plan information update.
Termination of the tariff plan isn’t performed during this update.
On the VMS platform:
B2B users can access cameras according to the initial status.
Once the information successfully updated:
On the User Portal Manager, the following is available:
A notification about successful information update.
If a tariff plan was changed in the customer billing system, the tariff plan name will be updated and a new end date will be displayed.
On the VMS platform:
B2B users can access cameras according to the tariff plan.