Message formats for Analytics workers
When launched, an Analytics worker connects to three channels:
A Statistics channel, which is used for sending its statuses (memory, CPU, etc.).
A Raw-events channel, which is used for sending of the generated events.
A Management channel, which is used as a means of receiving tasks for processing. A channel's name is formed as
<analytics type.uid>
A worker sends two types of messages to the Statistics channel:
Statistics on the resources used by the server that hosts the worker. This message is sent every four minutes. The message has the following format:
"channel": "stats", // the channel name in push1st
"data": {
"cpu": {
"cpu_count": 8,
"cpu_loadavg_percent_15min": 12.5,
"cpu_loadavg_percent_1min": 12.5,
"cpu_loadavg_percent_5min": 12.5,
"memory": {
"total_memory": 8342810624,
"available_memory": 7360401408,
"used_memory": 663388160,
"used_percent_memory": 11.8
ipaddress: ""
Information on the cases state that are currently in progress on the worker. The message has the following format:
"channel": "stats", // the channel name in the push1st
"data": {
"ovmsUid": "a6e862d2-c6ea-11ec-88bc-59d920260ee8", // uid of the analytics worker
"streams": { // a block with the case states description that are in progress on the current analytics worker
"3d1a7e78-2458-11ed-9b5d-21123bef9093": { // a case identifier
"frameProcessRate": 5.128205, // a number of frames processed per second
"starttime": 1663023697, // the case start time on the analytics worker
"status": "up", // current status (which can be up,down,stopped)
"streamUid": "ebb04683-8d33-4a94-8aac-c9ea9c6b45db", // a stream identifier
"uptime": 120344 // continuous operation time of the case on the current analytics worker
"streamsCount": 1 // total number of cases on the analytics worker
"event": "stats"
When an event is identified, the Analytics worker sends a corresponding message to the Raw-events channel. A message format may differ depending on the analytics type. The general message format is as following:
"channel": "raw-events", // the channel name in the push1st
"data": {
"AnalyticsType": "motion-detect", // an analytics type
"CameraGroupUid": "3f3348a9-ae87-4902-947f-725fd25751e3", // an identifier of a camera group
"JobUid": "beddb758-303e-11ed-8c49-bd223ebfa82e", //a unique identifier of an analytics case
"StreamUid": "470b1c5e-748f-49a4-91e5-62f7ac53b8eb", // a unique identifier of a video srteam
"apiPort": "8086", // a port for the analytics worker API
"ovmsClientUid": "f45d2b96-9adb-11ec-8995-a3b0e5228375", // a unique identifier of the analytics worker
"ovmsClientHostIp": "" // the address of the worker that generated an event
"timestampMs": 1663145196202, // time of an event generation
"eventFrameUrl": "/store/95064324-abc5-11ee-8c4f-b5c3d514a8ed/20240122/46707ff2-6505-4fb9-bed9-05a726af12df.jpg", // a link to an image of an event
.... // next, data related to a specific analytics case can be transferred
"event": "event"
The Management channel
The Management channel is used to transfer a case for processing to the Analytics worker. The channel name is formed as <analytics type.uid>
"type":"job_create", // a command for the analytics worker, which can be job_create, job_update, job_delete
"CaseType":"face-recognition", // an analytics type
"CameraGroupUid":"be8ba3dd-419f-4a8b-93ab-907b58a7c063",// an identifier of a camera group
"Source":{ // information on a video stream for analytics
"JobUid":"16a7dfd4-14bc-11ed-9bd9-bb5c75b9991b" // identifier of an analytics case
.... // next, data related to a specific analytics case can be transferred here