Release 24.09.01 VMS
Release 24.09.01 is a minor release that is a part of the upcoming main 24.12 release.
24.09.01 brings enhanced features, modifications to the existing functionality and addresses issues to ensure more stable and reliable operation of the product. Below, see the details on the changes and fixes.
We release updated documentation alongside each major product version.
Detailed descriptions of improvements and changes made in minor versions are included in the documentation for the next major release. For example, changes in minor release 24.09.01, released between versions 24.09 and 24.12, will be detailed in the documentation for release 24.12.
What's New?
The Administrator client
Optimized camera display logic now supports multi-address associations. Cameras are now listed in Tree View under all associated addresses, including additional. However, in the web interface, users only see cameras accessible under their primary address.
The camera deletion process is now enhanced to allow for selective archive retention. When deleting a camera, administrators can opt to preserve the associated archive for 30 days. These archived recordings can be accessed via the Deleted section on a new View in player tab.
When managing a camera from within the User actions tab, administrator can now filter actions on receipt of the archived stream from an intercom camera by billing users, system users, and subusers.
In the Intercoms list section, from within a new Deleted tab, administrators can view deleted intercoms.
When managing an intercom, a new button is now available on the information panel to turn on and off the device panel.
When managing an intercom from within the Events tab > the User actions subtab, the following events are now added and available for filtering: The door is open from the mobile app, The door is open by admin, The administrator turned on the intercom successfully, The administrator turned off the intercom successfully.
The default settings to unlock doors for new intercoms are now updated. The following settings are enabled: Open the door with a chip key, Open the door with a time code, Open the door from the mobile app. Open the door using facial recognition is disabled by default.
In the About users section, the administrator can generate and download a new type of report detailing the total number of users and the allocation of cameras and licenses per user within a specified timeframe.
On the Logging > User actions tab, new events are added that administrators can view and filter on: Authorization by system user, Authorization by billing user, Authorization by subuser.
The Web client
The logo icon now functions as the link to the last layout that is currently opened by the user.
In the Camera groups and Layouts sections, the search bar is added to enhance the process of adding cameras to a layout and a camera group.
In the All cameras and Camera tree sections, users can now open a camera on a map by selecting a relevant action link from the context menu of a camera.
In a layout, a new button is introduced. With this button, users can simultaneously adjust all camera images to fit their cells in a layout or adjust an image in an individual camera cell.
In Archive mode, the player doesn’t feature the Settings button when there is no analytics associated with this camera.
The camera player controls now have a fresh new look and feel.
The tab order is changed to the following: User events, Analytics events, Camera events, Events from device, System events.
Event image visualization is improved on the Analytics events tab.
When creating an analytics case for Counting people (objects) in an area, on step 4 – Set up Analytics, the specified value can now be an integer greater than 0.
When creating an analytics case for Zone intrusion detection, on step 4 – Set up Analytics, the default value is set to 50.
The Map section
When dark mode is activated for the web interface, the map automatically switches to the corresponding display mode.
Upon selection of a camera on the map and subsequent transition to the plan view, the system will automatically display a preview window of the chosen camera within the plan.
The left-side menu can now be expanded and collapsed to save screen space.
The Plans section
The plan scale can be adjusted using the following options: a mouse scroll wheel, dedicated zoom buttons on the plan, and the pinch gesture on a touchpad to zoom in or out.
The system is now enhanced to automatically position newly added cameras on the plan, preventing overlaps with existing camera placements.
QR codes for app downloads are now visually labelled with icons representing the respective app stores.
The Desktop client
Display and management of blocked cameras is enhanced in the following way:
Visual identification: blocked cameras are identified with a special icon of a black color.
Search: In the «Live» and «Archive/DVR» sections, users can filter such a camera by the Blocked status.
View in player: Double-clicking this camera doesn’t start this camera in the player.
It is no longer possible to drag-and-drop this camera to a layout.
On the maps and plans, the preview window of such a camera no longer features the following options: Open Live, Open Archive, Place camera live feed on the map.
Users are now able to adjust the geographic coordinates of cameras on the map.
Camera preview display is optimized. The map scale is now preserved when switching between cameras in a cluster, providing a more consistent viewing experience.
The visualization of cameras and plans within map clusters is now enhanced.
The plan scale can be adjusted using the following options: a mouse scroll wheel, dedicated zoom buttons on the plan, and the pinch gesture on a touchpad to zoom in or out.
Users can now place multiple live camera feeds on the map.
Users can now rename plan groups.
Users can now adjust the visualization of the camera's coverage zone on the plan when they add or edit the plan.
The mobile app
For devices with Android 14 and newer: Users will be prompted with a dialogue box seeking permission to send notifications the first time they launch the app after registering.
The app now saves the last camera view setting – list or tiles – and applies it the next time the user launches the app.
The new tabs order is as follows: All cameras, Favorites, Camera groups.
Call history is updated in real time across all devices of a user as soon as they add or delete a call on any of the devices.
The list of visitors is updated in real time across all devices of a user as soon as they add or delete a visitor on any of the devices.
My screenshots and videos
Now, the saved screenshot displays the camera name, date, and time of creation.
The Administrator client
An issue that previously prevented the camera template from being applied and resulting in no records in the Cameras > Configuration section is now resolved.
The Web client
An issue is now resolved, where the action menu item to open a camera on the map was incorrectly available in the context menu for cameras not added to the map.
The mobile app
An issue is now resolved that caused absence of the Copy to clipboard action menu item when saving a screenshot on iOS devices.