In the Reports section, you can generate and export different types of reports to your device in Excel.
In each section, the generated reports are kept in the table and are available for download within two months.
About intercoms
The About intercoms section enables you to generate reports on all intercoms on the platform, including reports on all the streams of the cameras, intercoms, and media servers.
To generate a report:
Specify the start and end dates to generate the report.
Select an intercom.
Select Generate report.
As a result, a link to download a file will be automatically generated.
An example of a downloaded report:
The report on intercoms
About the number of intercoms for the period
On the Report on the number of intercoms for the period page, you can generate reports on the number of intercoms that were added within the selected period.
To generate the report, specify the date range and select Generate report.
As a result, a link to download a file will be automatically generated.
An example of a downloaded report:
The report on the added intercoms
About loading channels of media servers
Here, you can generate a report with details about the load of all media servers with the following parameters:
The status is Active.
Distribution enabled.
The report is generated based on the current system date.
To generate a report, select Generate report. As a result, a link to download a file will be automatically generated.
An example of a downloaded report:

An example of the report
About loading media servers
Here, you can generate a report with details about the load of all media servers with the Active status and specified cluster.
The report is generated based on the current system date.
To generate a report, select Generate report. As a result, a link to download a file will be automatically generated.
An example of a downloaded report:

An example of the report
It is impossible to add cameras to the in the following cases:
The actual storage reached 90%.
The number of video streams on the server reached the set limit.
The bitrate reached the set limit.
About cameras
Here, you can generate a report with details about all platform cameras, including information about camera streams. The report is generated based on the current system date.
All listed below permiossions are required for the administrator to be able to generate this report:
Cameras > View camera tree, View camera, Camera search.
Servers > View media server.
Media server groups > Viewing a list of media server groups.
Clusters > View list of clusters.
To generate a report, follow the steps:
Select the way to generate a report:
By media servers. Next, from the drop-down lists, select a mediaserver group, a cluster, and a mediaserver.
By camera tree. Next, from the drop-down list, select relevant branches.
Select Generate report.
As a result, a link to download a file will be automatically generated.
An example of a downloaded report:

An example of a report
When the report includes 50,000 cameras or fewer, it is produced in Excel format. However, if the camera count surpasses 50,000, the report is created as a CSV file.
About cameras for the period
Here, you can generate a report with details about the number of cameras added during the selected time period.
To generate a report:
Specify the start and end dates to generate the report.
Select Generate report.
As a result, a link to download a file will be automatically generated.
An example of a downloaded report:

An example of a report
About licenses
Here, you can generate a report with details about the licenses that contains the following information:
The number of licenses: Total, In use, Not in use, Shared.
For cameras.
For intercoms.
For the Analytics of each level.
The report is generated based on the current system date.
To generate a report, select Generate report. As a result, a link to download a file will be automatically generated.
An example of a downloaded report:
The licenses report
About media server
Here, you can generate a report with details about the media servers on the platform.
The report is generated based on the current system date.
To generate a report, select Generate report. As a result, a link to download a file will be automatically generated.
An example of a downloaded report:

An example of a report
About inactive cameras
Here, you can generate a report with details about the cameras with the Inactive status.
The report is generated based on the current system date.
To generate a report, select Generate report. As a result, a link to download a file will be automatically generated.
An example of a downloaded report:

An example of a downloaded report
About inactive servers
Here, you can generate a report with details about media servers with the Inactive status.
The report is generated based on the current system date.
To generate a report, select Generate report. As a result, a link to download a file will be automatically generated.
An example of a downloaded report:

An example of a downloaded report
About the system
Here, you can generate a report with details about the system components: cameras, intercoms, media servers, DHCP, NTP servers, users, and so on.
The report is generated based on the current system date.
To generate a report, select Generate report. As a result, a link to download a file will be automatically generated.
An example of a downloaded report:

The About the system report
About the system events
The About the system events report contains details about the system events that are grouped in the following way:
System events of users.
System events of cameras.
General system events.
To generate a report:
Specify the start and end dates of the report.
Select the group of events. If relevant, select specific events. The list of events depends on the chosen group.
For the camera events group, you can specify relevant cameras.
When no events or cameras are selected, the report will be generated based on all the events and cameras.
To generate a report, select Generate report. A link to download a file will be automatically generated.
An example of the downloaded report
User activity
In the User activity section, the administrator can generate and download a report detailing interactions of users with cameras within a specified period.
To generate a report:
Specify the start and end date.
If a specific camera is required, select it in the Cameras drop-down list.
To generate a report, select Generate report. A link to download a file will be automatically generated.
An example of the generated report
The report summarizes event activity for a given camera, detailing the total occurrences of various event types during the selected period.
For the complete list of the event types that can be found in the report, see the User actions. Cameras article.
About users
In the About users section, the administrator can generate and download a report detailing the total number of users and the allocation of cameras and licenses per user within a specified timeframe.
To generate a report:
Specify the start and end dates for the period to generate the report on.
Select the Generate report button.
As a result, a link to download a file will be automatically generated.
Below, is the example of a generated report about users.
The report about users