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Schedule (Android, iOS)

On the Schedule tab, you select devices to accept calls from the intercom and set the date and time to be notified on calls from the intercom.

Select devices to receive calls from the intercom

You can select devices to receive calls from the intercom. The list of options depends on the connection type that is set by the administrator in their interface. For details about the type of the intercom connection settings, see the documentation for administrators Intercom details. The General tab.

Calls from intercom will be directed to all selected devices.

The list of all available devices is as follows:

  • Mobile app. This setting is configured and applied only to the current mobile device and doesn’t affect other devices. Calls from the intercom are sent to the mobile device. When the setting is off:

    • Calls from the intercom aren’t directed to your mobile. However, you’ll receive notifications on missed calls.

    • If an incoming call is answered on another device, you won't receive a notification on your mobile app. However, the accepted call will be recorded in your call history.

  • Intercom handset. Calls from the intercom are sent to the intercom handset. The setting is applied to all intercom users of the apartment.

  • Telephone set. Calls from the intercom are sent to the landline telephone. The setting is applied to all intercom users of the apartment.

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Set up schedule to receive intercom calls

The Set up the intercom alerts option is available only when you select the Mobile app option to receive calls. This setting is configured and applied only to the current mobile device and doesn’t affect other devices.

To set up a schedule to receive intercom calls, follow the steps:

  1. Select the Mobile app option to receive calls.

  2. Select one of the schedules:

  • Days of week. Select week days and time to receive calls from the intercom.

  • All days. Use the option to quickly select all days or specific days to receive calls from intercom. Set the start and end times for all selected days.

  • Dates. Set required dates and time to receive calls from the intercom.

  1. Tap Save.

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