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Service availability

In the Service availability section, the administrator can manage the availability of a special form that users of the User Portal can submit with a request to include the address in the expansion plan of the provider.

When the option is enabled, a special form becomes available to the users of the User Portal in which they can submit their request to include a specific address in the expansion plan of the provider. This form will be available to the users upon registration on the User Portal and if video surveillance service isn’t available at their address.

When the option is disabled, the users won’t see this form.

The request from consists of the following sections:

  • Show form

  • Last name and first name

  • Address

  • Contact information

image 2 (12).png

The Service availability form

The Show form section

Under Show form, you can track whether the setting is enabled.

To enable or disable the form display on the User Portal, select the Edit button at the page top-right.

Select or clear the checkbox and choose Update.

image 2 (13).png

Managing the setting

The Last name and first name section

In this section, the default fields of the form for users to enter the last and first names are displayed.

These fields of the form and are mandatory for the user.

The Address section

The Address section contains the fields that were set in the Addresses constructor section.

The fields can’t be edited.

The Contact information section

The Contact information section contains the Phone and Email fields.

The fields are default and can’t be edited.

These fields of the form and are mandatory for the user.

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