Tariff plan constructor
In the Tariff plan constructor section, you can create and manage tariff plans.
On the User Portal, the tariff plans are displayed:
On the home page.
In the Tariff plans section.
The list of tariff plans
When you navigate to the Tariff plan constructor section, you can view the list of the existing tariff plans.
The list of tariff plans
For each tariff plan, you can view the following details:
The checkbox. You can select multiple checkboxes to manage multiple tariff plans. Selecting at least one checkbox enables the Actions button. From the Actions drop-down list, you can select one of the following actions:
Archive tariff
Restore tariff
Below in the article, you can find a detailed description of the actions.
You can use the drag-and-drop icon to manage the order in which the tariff plans will be displayed on the User Portal. Changed order of the tariff plans in the Tariff plan constructor section will be reflected on the User Portal.
The toggle to enable or disable the display of a tariff plan on the User Portal.
The order number of a tariff plan.
The name of a tariff plan.
The description of a tariff plan.
The price of a tariff plan.
The period of a tariff.
The View button.
The Edit button.
In the filter, you can:
Set a filter to filter tariff plans according to their status:
Set the number of tariff plans to be displayed per page.
Create a tariff plan
To create a tariff plan, select the Create button. Complete the open form to create a tariff plan. The form consists of several sections to complete.
The Create section
In the section, complete the fields:
Title. The field is mandatory.
Description. The field is mandatory.
The details entered here will appear on the main page of the User Portal within a tariff plan card and in the Tariff plans section.
Period for which tariffing occurs
In the section, complete the fields:
Type. Select the value from the drop-down list:
Months (the default value).
Tariff period. The field is mandatory and depends on the previous Type field settings.
Values from 1 to 12 are available to enter, when Months is set in the Type field. Values from 1 to 366 are available to enter, when Days is set in the Type field.
Price. The field is mandatory.
The number value format and the currency symbol code are displayed according to the specified format and code for the default language. You can manage the currency settings from System settings > Currency.
The details entered here will appear on the main page of the User Portal within a tariff plan card and in the Tariff plans section.
The Functionality section
In the section, complete the fields:
Parameters. The following values are available:
Video surveillance (added by default; mandatory to add).
Archive storage time. Counted in days. The field is mandatory if Archive was selected in the Parameters section.
Description of the functional part
In the section, complete the fields:
Type. The field isn’t mandatory, displayed only in the User Portal Manager interface. Here, select the way the description will be provided from the available options of the drop-down list:
Service provision procedure
In the section, complete the fields:
Type. The field isn’t mandatory, displayed only in the User Portal Manager interface. Here, select the way the description will be provided from the available options of the drop-down list:
In the section, complete the fields:
Description. The field isn’t mandatory, displayed only in the User Portal Manager interface.
To complete the creation process of a tariff plan, select Create.
The card of a created tariff plan automatically includes the following actions to perform and are displayed in the Available actions section:
Change the tariff plan.
Pause a service
Resume a service.
Disable the service.
Extend the service.
The Available actions section
The card of a created tariff plan automatically includes the Available actions section, where you can manage which actions are accessible to users in relations to this tariff plan. By default, the following actions to perform are displayed in the Available actions section:
Disable the service.
Extend service.
The default actions
Optionally, you can add the following actions:
Change tariff plan
To add an action, select Create. On the opened panel, select a relevant action and Create.
When the Pause action is selected, you should complete additional details on the opened panel.
The Pause action
Description. The filed is required.
Info block. The field isn’t required. The entered details will be displayed on the Portal.
Units of measurement for the tariff period. Select an option from the drop-down list:
Months (the default value).
Duration of the tariff period. In the table, specify the pause duration and its price. You can add multiple duration periods. The User Portal user will be able to select one of the provided periods.
Note. The field isn’t required. The details entered here will be displayed only in the User Portal Manager client.
The user will see these actions in the My services section when managing tariff plans.
Managing tariff plans
Delete an action
You can delete the following actions from the Available actions list:
Change tariff plan
You can delete actions before the first user connects to this tariff plan. Once all users remove their subscriptions, you’ll regain the ability to delete actions.
You can delete an action in one of the following ways:
From the card of a tariff plan in the Available actions section, select the Delete button.
From the card of a tariff plan, in the Available actions section, select a relevant action to open its Action panel and Delete Resource.
Deleting and action
Edit a tariff plan
To edit a tariff plan, select the Edit icon of a relevant tariff plan in the list of the existing tariff plans.
You can also navigate to the card of a tariff plan and select the Edit icon at the top-right.
You can edit all the fields that were mentioned above.
You can edit the Period for which tariffing occurs and Functionality sections only before the first user is connected to this tariff plan, meaning their transaction is successfully completed.
You can edit other sections at any time without limitations.
Archive or restore from the archive a tariff plan
To archive a tariff plan, follow the steps:
From the list of the existing tariff plans, select the relevant one.
From the activated Actions drop-down list, select the Archive tariff action button.
Confirm the action.
Archiving a tariff plan
As a result, the archived tariff plan won’t be available for new subscribers to select. However, existing subscribers who were connected to it before and currently use it will keep using it.
The archived tariff plan is shifted to the list bottom.
The administrator can perform the following options for the archived tariff plan:
View it.
Restore from the archive.
To restore the archived tariff plan, follow the steps:
From the list of the existing tariff plans, select the relevant one.
From the activated Actions drop-down list, select the Restore tariff action button.
Confirm the action.
The restored tariff plan:
Won’t be displayed on the User Portal.
Won’t be available to get connect to.
Won’t be available for editing or activation.