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Third-party services

In this section, you find the details about services essential for the platform operation. We provide a detailed outline of the recommended configurations for these services to ensure optimal performance.

Traefik and VRRP

On each node of the Swarm cluster, a container with Traefik is located.

VVRRP, or Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol, is a technology that enables servers to share a virtual IP address. This approach facilitates the creation of a fault-tolerant system composed of a group of servers. To implement VRRP between servers, we recommend using KeepAlived, a tool that needs to be set up by the customer.

The DHCP server

A DHCP server is essential for the operation of the provisioning service on our platform, which is designed to manage video cameras. Specifically, we utilize the Kea DHCP server for this purpose.

The operation scheme


Redis is an open-source, in-memory, key-value data storage.

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