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Getting started. Authorization in the Desktop Client

To begin working with the Desktop Client:

  • Download and install the installation file

  • Launch the application

  • In the authorization window:

    • Enter your username

    • Enter your password

Authorization window

If you need to close a session to connect, double-click on the desired session to end it.

After successful authorization, the user enters the working interface, which displays:

  • Menu

  • Workspace

Workspace interface

The menu includes the following sections:


The main section of the application for viewing cameras distributed across video walls

«Video Archive»

A section designed for viewing the video archive of cameras

«Events Monitoring»

Viewing the list of events occurring on the camera


Viewing the list of user and system marks

«Saved Content»

A section intended for working with saved materials


Application settings

The interface and set of functions in the workspace depend on the selected section.

Additionally, the menu displays the resource consumption by the application.

Resource consumption

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