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The FAQ section contains answers to the most frequently asked questions by users.

What is VMS?

VMS is a platform for quickly launching cloud video surveillance and access control services, a control center for orchestrating all solution components, ensuring performance monitoring, and interacting with other products of the VSaaS platform.

Key advantages of VMS:

  • Simple user and administrative interface

  • Extensive set of administration functions

  • Detailed tool for adding, modifying, and deleting cameras in the system

  • Built-in system monitoring and provisioning of all available platform components

  • Detailed statistics and reporting on information, events, and actions of the system and users themselves

More information about VMS can be found on the «Introduction to VMS» page.

What is VMS consists of?

VMS consists of:

  • Administration interface

  • Client interface

    • Web client

    • Mobile apps

    • Desktop client for Windows

Detailed information about VMS components is provided on the «Introduction to VMS» page.

How to license VMS?

Several types of licenses are provided for the VMS product. A description is provided on the «Licensing VMS» page.

How to install VMS?

The VMS platform is available for use in browsers, on mobile devices, and as a Desktop client for Windows OS.

To use VMS, you need to have hardware or a virtual environment for its installation and configuration. For details on the VMS installation process, see the Install VMS guide.

How is VMS administered?

There is a web-based administrator interface for managing all cloud video surveillance and access control services, from connecting users and cameras to a flexible reporting system.

Available functionality:

  • An extensive set of administration functions

  • A detailed tool for adding, modifying, and deleting cameras in the system

  • Built-in system monitoring and provisioning of all available platform components

  • Detailed statistics and reporting on information, events, actions of the system and users

More information about the capabilities of the administrator web interface: «Administrator's Guide»

What cameras are supported?

Cameras that support the RTSP 1.0 standard (according to RFC 2326) are supported.

Video codecs: H.264, H.265.

Audio codecs: PCMU, PCMA, AAC, MPA.

Both manual and automatic camera addition are provided, as part of the auto-provisioning procedure

More information about manual camera addition on the «Add cameras» page.

More information about automatic camera addition on the «Auto-provisioning» page.

More information about camera configuration on the «Configurations» page.

Is PTZ camera support available?

In the VMS, there is functionality available for controlling pan, tilt, and zoom (PTZ) using the ONVIF protocol.

Is there a solution for organizing security systems in local areas?

For organizing security systems in local areas, a desktop client is provided for Windows 7/10/11 operating systems. The application supports working with different layouts - up to 49 cameras can be displayed on a single layout. It is also possible to work with multiple monitors simultaneously. Cameras can be combined into video walls, saved, and loaded with a single click.

The client is written in high-performance programming language C++, which allows for playing back a large number of video streams in high quality simultaneously.

The RTSP protocol is used for playing back streams, which allows for minimizing delays when viewing camera video in real-time.

Differences from the web interface:

  • Increased performance

  • Low latency when streaming video

  • Download manager for managing archive exports

  • Support for multi-monitor configurations

  • Ability to view a larger number of streams simultaneously

  • Direct PTZ control (without server involvement)

How is data security ensured?

The HTTPS protocol is used to interact between the client and the video surveillance platform, the client and the media servers, which ensures secure data transmission. Each video stream is equipped with a unique token that is checked by the server and guarantees that this stream will not be accessible to unauthorized individuals.

Is it possible to organize video walls?

The ability to organize video walls is available in the functionality of the Desktop client for Windows OS.

More about video walls: «Video walls».

Similar functionality is available for web users. A web user can create layouts with the necessary cameras and view them.

More about layouts: «Layouts».

What components does the VSaaS solution work with VMS?

VMS works with components such as Mediaserver and Analytics.


High-performance video-audio-data processing server as a standalone product or as part of the VSaaS platform for receiving video streams and data from cameras and devices, processing them, recording them in archives, and delivering them to users in selected formats.

More about the server:«Mediaserver».


Intelligent neural network video analytics as a standalone product or as part of the VSaaS platform for analyzing and processing video streams from various sources with reactions to selected events.

More about the analytics: «Analytics».

Is it possible to customize client applications?

Customization of client applications is possible and is discussed with each client on an individual basis.

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