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Adding analytics cases

Analytics cases can only be created for cameras with high-quality video streams.

Before adding a new analytics case, it is recommended to ensure the availability of free licenses for the corresponding type of analytics on the «Statistics» tab.

In case of the absence of a free license, when attempting to create an analytics case, a corresponding message will be displayed on the screen.

Not enough available licenses for this type of analytics

The process of adding an analytics case involves several steps. Depending on the type of analytics, the configuration may differ:

  • Select the type of analytics

  • Choose an event and configure the reaction

  • Select resource groups (for certain types of analytics)

  • Choose and configure the cameras

Types of analytics

When creating an analytics case, it is necessary to specify the type of analytics. The following types are available:

  • Face recognition. This tool automatically locates human faces in a video stream and identifies individuals based on a standard model in existing databases

  • Counting objects in an area. This tool automatically locates and determines the exact number of objects (people) in a designated area of the video stream. Notifications are sent when the number of objects in the area changes

  • Zone intrusion detection. This tool automatically locates motion within a specified zone of the video stream

  • License plate. This tool automatically locates the license plate of a vehicle in a video stream and identifies it based on resources in existing databases

It is recommended to familiarize yourself with the list of countries whose license plates are recognized by VMS algorithms.

  • Visitor counting. This tool automatically locates and determines the exact number of people passing through a specific area or entrance over a certain period of time

  • Camera damage / overlap / vandalism detection. This tool automatically locates and identifies instances of camera damage, blockage, or vandalism in the video stream

  • Detection of loud sounds. This tool automatically detects loud sound events using the microphone of the video camera

  • Smoke and fire detection. This tool automatically locates and detects smoke and open flames in a designated area of the video stream

  • Line crossing detection. This tool automatically locates and verifies instances of crossing a designated line in the video stream

  • Container number recognition. This tool automatically locates vertical and horizontal numbers of cargo containers

The following sections provide detailed descriptions of the process for adding analytics cases of all types.


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