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List of groups. Search, add, edit

Groups are used to combine cameras according to certain characteristics – location, quality, etc.

Adding and filling groups is carried out by the user independently.

Main functions of the «Groups» list:

  • Search for cameras and groups

  • Adding a group

  • Group filling

  • Removing all cameras from a group

  • Delete a group

The search is performed by camera name and group name. As you enter a name, only the corresponding cameras and/or groups are displayed in the list.


Search cameras

Adding a group

To add a new group, click the add group button.


Add group button

As a result, the form for adding a new group will be displayed.

Enter a name for the group. The group name must be unique.


Adding a camera group

Next, if necessary, select cameras from the list that will be included in the current group. You can skip this step and add cameras later.

After filling out the fields, click «Create Group».

Renaming a camera group

You can only rename a custom group

To rename a group, hover over the desired group. Click the right mouse button to open the context menu. Select the «Rename group» menu item.

As a result, a form for entering a new group name will be displayed.

Enter a new name and click «Rename».

Adding a camera to a group

You can only add a camera to a custom group

Adding a camera to a group is done by copying the camera:

  • From the «All Cameras» catalog

  • From catalogs with cameras distributed by address

  • From other groups

Open the directory or group from which you want to copy the camera. Hover over the desired camera. Click the right mouse button to open the context menu. Select the «Move Camera» menu item.

As a result, a form for selecting the group into which the camera will be copied will be displayed.

Select a group and click «Move».

You can also copy the camera to the desired group by dragging and dropping. To do this, open the directory or other group from which you want to copy the camera. Hover over the desired camera. Click and hold the left mouse button. Move the cursor over the name of the group to which you want to copy the camera and release the mouse button.

Removing a camera from a group

You can only remove a camera from a user group. After deletion, the camera will remain in the «All cameras» directory and in directories with cameras distributed by address

To remove a camera from a group, open the group and hover over the desired camera. Click the right mouse button to open the context menu. Select the menu item “Remove camera from group” and confirm the removal.

Deleting a group

You can only delete a user group

To delete a group, hover over the desired group. Click the right mouse button to open the context menu. Select the «Delete group» menu item and confirm the deletion.

As a result, the group with all added cameras will be deleted, while all cameras will remain in the «All cameras» directory and in directories with cameras distributed by address.

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