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View and edit intercom

Intercom settings are divided into several tabs.

Each tab displays a panel with intercom data and a set of functions.

Sputnik intercom view

For Intersvyaz vendor intercoms, the login and password are additionally specified:

Intersvyaz intercom view

Beward intercom view

The panel contains:

  • Intercom Address. If the address is not specified, the intercom name is displayed.

  • Entrance (if specified)

  • Intercom UUID with a copy function to the clipboard

  • Vendor

  • Intercom operational status. The possible values are: Installed, Initializing, Not installed

  • Intercom availability status. The possible values are: Online, Offline

The status of Intersvyaz intercoms is checked for network presence every 10 minutes. When the status changes in the web admin interface and mobile applications, a push notification is displayed.

  • Return to the list of intercoms button

  • Restart camera video streams button

  • Restart panel button

General data

The «General data» tab contains a set of settings:

«General data» tab

  • Name, intercom name

  • Item type – vendor type

  • Department type

  • Department name

  • Intercom Address

  • Entrance number

  • Door opening time, sec, the time during which the door remains open when the intercom is opened from an analog handset, a landline phone, or a mobile application

  • Door opening time, the time during which the door remains open when the «Open intercom» button is pressed

  • Type of connection, the intercom connection scheme. It is automatically applied to all apartments. The following options are available:

    • Matrix-switching, calls are received only on the analog intercom handset. When this scheme is selected, the «Switch matrix» tab is additionally displayed for matrix configuration (description of the tab is provided below)

    • Fixed, calls are received only on the landline phone. The phone number is specified on the «Apartments» tab when selecting an apartment

    • Smart, calls are received only on the mobile device. The SIP account is specified on the «Apartments» tab when selecting an apartment

    • Combined 1, calls are received on the analog intercom handset and the mobile device. Additionally, the «Switch matrix» tab is displayed

    • Combined 2, calls are received on the landline phone and the mobile device

  • Open intercom, pressing the button opens the door. The duration of door opening is adjusted with the «Door opening time» setting

After making changes, click the «Save» button to save them.

Changing the connection scheme sets the status to Initializing. During this time, the intercom settings cannot be modified until all apartments are reconfigured.

List of keys

When switching to the tab, the key list is displayed.

List of keys

Search is available for:

  • Key

  • User name

  • User login

The «Keys start date» and «Keys end date» fields are used to filter the list based on the key action interval.

When the «Key collection» feature is enabled, keys are automatically saved in the list when they are used.

When you click on the "Synchronization" button, the cloud storage of the intercom is accessed to receive all the added keys. Also, every five minutes, automatic synchronization with cloud storage is performed.

The function "Download the list of keys" is provided. Clicking the button generates a link to an XLSX file that contains all the keys. Next, the resulting list of keys is used to quickly fill in the file with information about the apartments.

To delete keys, select one or more keys. Once at least one key is selected, the «Delete selected key» button will appear. Click the button and confirm the action to delete the keys.

When the «Key collection» feature is enabled, key deletion is not available (the delete button is not displayed).

To add a key, click «Add key list». This will display the key addition form.

Adding a key

Fill in the fields on the form:

  • Flats number, the value must fall within the apartment range specified on the «Apartments» tab

  • Key, key number

After clicking «Add», a new key will be added and linked to the specified apartment.

To change the apartment number to which the key is linked, click the edit button. This will display a form to enter the new apartment value.

Key editing

The «Delete all keys» function is provided. It deletes keys that are:

  • Not linked to users

  • Not linked to apartments


The «Apartments» tab is designed for:

  • Entering the range of apartment numbers associated with the current intercom

  • Linking users and keys to apartments

  • Linking a landline phone number and SIP account to apartments

  • Diagnosing line resistance for an apartment

  • Enabling/disabling:

    • Call to a landline phone

    • Call to an analog intercom handset

    • Call to a SIP account

    • Call to an analog intercom handset and SIP account

  • Configuring apartments. It allows both general settings for all apartments and individual settings for each apartment. Detailed description of the settings is provided in the «Apartment settings» section

«Apartments» Tab

The apartment range is specified in the «Flat numbers from» and «Flat numbers to» fields. After editing the values, click «Save».

The page provides search options for:

  • Key

  • Apartment

  • User name

  • User login

An import function is provided, with which you can download a list of apartments with data. For a description of the function, see the «Export/Import apartment data».

For each apartment, a set of functions is available in the table. When hovering over a button, a tooltip is displayed:

Additional functions

Below are the function buttons for each apartment:

Apartment line resistance diagnostics. The button is displayed for Matrix-switching and Combined 1 connection types (if calls to analog intercom handset are enabled).

Individual settings for each apartment. The set of settings depends on the intercom vendor and connection type. Detailed description of the settings is provided in the «Apartment settings» section

Enable/disable call to a landline phone. The button is displayed for the Fixed connection type

Enable/disable call to a mobile device. The button is displayed for the Smart and Combined 1 connection types

Enable/disable call to an analog intercom handset. The button is displayed for Matrix-switching and Combined 1 connection types

When selecting a connection scheme, the call type is set according to the scheme. Only enabling/disabling the selected call type is available. To choose a different call type, you need to change the connection scheme.

Applying changes and graphical representation of button enable/disable may take some time.

Apartment configuration

Additional settings for the selected apartment are displayed when clicking on the row.

Apartment configuration

Apartment settings include:

  • Phone Number, the landline phone number. Specify it to receive calls from the intercom on the landline phone. It is displayed only when selecting the Fixed or Combined 2 scheme in the «General data» tab

  • SIP account, the SIP account for the current apartment. It is configured after setting up the SIP server (see the «SIP-server» section below). Specify it to receive calls from the intercom on the landline phone and mobile application

  • Configuring the list of users for the current apartment

  • Configuring the list of keys and linking them to users

After editing the «Phone number» and «SIP account» fields, remember to save the changes.

User list

The «User list» table displays the list of users associated with the selected apartment.

To link a new user, click «Add user». This will display a user selection form.

Available users added in the «Users» and «Temporary users» sections, who are not linked to any apartment, can be selected.

To remove users, select the users to be deleted. Then the «Delete user» button will appear.

If a key is linked to a user, unlinking the user will cancel the association, while the key will remain in the list of added keys for that apartment.

Key list

The «Key list» table displays the list of intercom keys linked to the selected apartment.

To link a new key without linking it to a user, click «Add key». This will display a key selection form.

Available keys added in the «Key list» tab, which are not linked to any apartment, can be selected.

To link a new key with a user, click «Add key to user». This will display a user and key selection form.

Linking keys to a user

You can link all available keys to a single user or select keys from the available list.

Users added in the «User list» table can be selected. Keys that are not linked to any apartment are available for selection.


The «SIP-server» tab is used to configure the connection to the SIP server. This connection allows receiving calls from the intercom on the landline phone and the mobile application.

«SIP-server» tab

The tab displays the settings:

  • SIP server, SIP server address

  • Port, connection port to the SIP server

  • Login, login to the SIP server account

  • Password, password for the SIP server account

  • DTMF door opening code, specified for each relay (the number of relays corresponds to the number of panels in the entrance). The DTMF code allows opening the door from the landline phone by pressing the specified button

After making changes, click «Confirm» to save them.

To ensure proper interaction between the VMS system and the SIP server, the password should be specified on the «SIP-server» tab, not in the web interface of the intercom control panel. Otherwise, when selecting the corresponding connection scheme, calls to the mobile device will not be received.

For intercoms «Beward» and «Intersvyaz» the status of the SIP server is also displayed: Registered, Not registered.

Switch matrix

This tab is used to configure the coordinate matrix-switch.

The tab is displayed when selecting the Matrix-switching or Combined 1 connection scheme in the «General Data» tab.

To enter the number of apartments, fill in the «Matrix capacity» field. The apartment matrix will be built automatically.

For «Intersvyaz» intercom vendor, it is possible to edit the apartment matrix after automatic filling.

For «Sputnik» and «Beward» intercom vendor, the matrix is filled automatically without the option to edit it.

Switch matrix

If the number of apartments in the matrix is less than the number of apartments specified in the «Apartments» tab, calls to the apartments that are listed first in the «Apartments» tab will be automatically activated.

In the «Intercoms switch type» field, select the switch. The following switches are available:

  • Metakom

  • Vizit

  • Cyfral

  • Eltis

The «Flat offset» пfield is used to enter the apartment number in case the first apartment in the entrance does not start with «1». This field is not available for «Beward» intercoms.

After making changes, click «Save matrix».

A check is performed to ensure that apartment numbers in different entrances of the same address do not overlap when editing the matrix.

Intercom logs

This tab is used to view logs for the current intercom.

To obtain more detailed information about an action, expand the corresponding row.

Intercom logs

Intercom configuration

This tab is used to view the configuration of the current intercom.

View in player

The «View in player» tab is used to select the intercom camera and view video footage from the intercom camera, as well as to take snapshots.

When viewing live stream or archive footage, or when exporting the archive, please note that the intercom may have been added in a different time zone. See the «UTC Standard» section for more information.

To select an intercom camera:

  • Click on the camera editing button

  • Enter the camera address

  • Select the appropriate camera from the list

  • Click «Save»

Available cameras that have the «Intercom camera» setting enabled in their profile are selectable (see the «Adding сameras» section).

To go to the settings of the selected camera, click on the camera name.

During video playback, the player provides the following control buttons:

Player control buttons

  • Pause

  • Go to the end of the recording

  • Go to the beginning of the recording

  • Go back 24 hours / 1 hour / 1 minute / 10 seconds

  • Go forward 24 hours / 1 hour / 1 minute / 10 seconds

  • Zoom in / Zoom out

  • Change quality (available if supported by the intercom camera)

  • Take a snapshot

  • Enable fullscreen mode

  • Calendar

  • Download

Camera access

User access to the intercom camera is automatically configured as follows:

  • When adding an intercom camera, access is automatically granted to all intercom users

  • When adding a new intercom user, access to the intercom camera (if available) is automatically granted

Manual configuration of access to intercom cameras is also available:

  • For regular users in the «Administration» → «Users» section

  • For temporary users in the «Administration» → «Temporary users» section

Sub-user access to intercom cameras is configured by the user in the user's web interface (if the corresponding access rights are available).


The «Analytics» tab is intended for setting up face recognition on the intercom with the purpose of further opening the door as a result of recognition.

«Analytics» tab

To set up analytics you need to do the following:

  • Add resource group

  • Add resources to group

  • Set up analytics

If necessary, it is possible to edit a resource group, resources, analytics settings, delete resources and resource groups.

Add resource group

To add a resource group:

  • Click on the «Add group» button

  • Enter group name

  • Click on the «Create» button

Add a resource group

Edit resource group

This will open the resource group editing page. You can also go to it by clicking on a group in the list.

Edit resource group

On the page it is possible:

  • Add resource

  • Move resource

  • Copy resource

  • Delete resource

  • Search resources

Add resource

To add a resource:

  • Click on the «Add resources» button

  • Select files or move them to the specified area. The following file types are supported: jpg, jpeg, bmp, png, tiff, psd. If necessary, remove unnecessary files or add more files

  • Click on the «Upload» button

Add resources

Move and copy resource

To move a resource means to move it from one resource group to another, removing that resource from the original group.

Copying a resource means copying it from one group to another, and the given resource will be in both resource groups.

To move or copy a resource:

  • Check the checkbox for one or more resources

  • Click on the «Move» or «Copy» button

Selecting resources

  • In the window that opens, select one group to move or one or more groups to copy. If necessary, use the search

  • Click on the «Submit» button

Copy resource

Delete resource

To delete a resource:

  • Check the checkbox for one or more resources

  • Click on the «Delete selected» button

You can search for resources in a special field.


Set up analytics

To configure analytics, click on the «Analytics management» button.

«Analytics management» button

In the window that opens:

Analytics management

  • Set up the recognition percentage (the minimum matching percentage to trigger a reaction)

  • Create or select a resource group from the list of existing ones

    • To create a new resource group, click on the corresponding button. When creating a group, the same procedure is repeated as when adding a resource group, described earlier

    • To select a group from the list of existing ones, click on the «Select from the list of existing ones» button:

      • Select one or more groups. If necessary, use the search

      • Click on the «Add» button

Adding resource groups

  • If necessary, review the added resource groups or remove them. When viewing added groups, it is possible to remove one or more groups. It is also possible to add other resource groups or create a new one

Added groups

  • Save the settings by clicking on the corresponding button

Saving settings


The «Settings» tab is designed to view the intercom connection settings. The settings are not editable.

The «Settings» tab

Depending on the vendor, the set of settings differs.



  • IP adress

  • Gateway

  • Subnet

  • DNS address

  • IP adress

  • MAC adress

  • Port

  • Protocol

  • Login

  • Password

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