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Cameras. Archive/DVR

In Archive/DVR mode, as in Live mode, a set of controls is provided for each camera. Depending on the camera model, the set may differ.

Below the layout, a general timeline is displayed that allows you to manage viewing time on all cameras simultaneously.

Group 7 (5).png

The Archive/DVR view of the cameras

The set of controls for each camera includes:



Current viewing date and time. Camera name. The camera address is indicated in brackets (when distributing cameras by address). Click the arrow image to the right of the camera name to hide/show it.

Enable/disable sound. Displayed for cameras that support audio recording.


Disconnecting the camera from the general timeline. If the function is enabled, then managing the general timeline does not affect the timeline of the current camera. To disable the function, select the button again.


Event filter. Allows you to enable/disable the display of events on the camera timeline. Click the button and select events whose labels will be displayed on the camera timeline. The following types of events are available: Custom, External events, SMTP motion detection. To move between events, use the < and > buttons.


Playback speed.

For the cameras with the H.265 codec, the following playback speed options are available: 0.5х, 1x (the default standard speed), and 2x.

For the cameras with the H.265 codec, the following playback speed options are available: 0.5х, 1x (the default standard speed), 2x, 4x, and 8х.

It is possible to control the playback speed on all cameras simultaneously (see below General timeline).

View an image in fullscreen mode.


Removing a camera from a cell.


Digital zoom in/out. Move the slider to the right/left to enlarge/decrease the image respectively.

Saving a screenshot to a .PNG file.


Stop/start playback.

If playback is stopped, archive recording continues.


Archive export button.

The description is given below (see further Exporting an archive).


Timeline. Displayed for each camera. Used to select viewing time. The description is given below (see below Camera timeline).

Exporting an archive

The archive export function is designed to upload a specific fragment of video from the current camera for a specified period of time. File format – MP4.

Bulk download of archives from several cameras simultaneously is provided (see below General timeline).

The maximum length of an archive section that can be downloaded in one file is 120 minutes.

When you click the button, the date and time selection form is displayed:


Selecting the date and time when exporting an archive section

Enter the date and time in the appropriate fields and click Export archive section.

As a result, a notification about the start of the file generation process will appear on the screen:


File generation notification

Once the process is complete, the following notification will be displayed:


You can download the file by clicking one of the buttons on the notification:

  • Download – download a file in MP4 format.

  • Download in archive – download the file in ZIP format.

If the program settings specify the path for saving exported files, the file will be automatically saved to the selected directory. If the path is not specified, a directory selection window will be displayed each time the file is uploaded.

The generated files are also available for download in the Downloads section.

Camera timeline

There is both general control of viewing time on all cameras simultaneously, and individual control of each camera.

In the Archive/DVR mode, an individual timeline is displayed for each camera.


Camera timeline

The following functions are provided for working with the camera timeline:

  • Preview. Hover over the timeline. As a result, a frame of video will be displayed at the selected point in time.

  • Change the detail of the timeline. Hover over the timeline and hold down the CTRL key. Next, rotate the mouse wheel up/down to select the desired level of detail. It is also possible to change the detail for all cameras simultaneously (see below General timeline).

  • View events. The timeline displays custom events (if any created). To display them, an event filter must be configured.

  • Moving the timeline. Move the cursor over the timeline and hold down the right mouse button. Next, move the mouse left and right to move the timeline.

  • Creating a user event (see below Creating a user event).

Creating a user event

The Archive/DVR section allows you to create user events indicating the time period of the event.

User events are created for each camera separately.

To create a user event, move the cursor over the camera timeline at the desired point in time and double-click the right mouse button. As a result, the user event creation form will be displayed:


Create a new user event

Enter the name of the event and specify the time period. Click Create Event.

The user event label only appears in the camera timeline.

When you hover over an event in the timeline, information about the user event is displayed: name, type and time period.

To move between events, use the Previous Event and Next Event buttons.

Viewing and editing custom events is done in the Events section of the User events tab.

Editing a user event

To edit a user event, hover over the event in the camera timeline. Double-click the right mouse button.

As a result, the user event editing form will be displayed. On it, you can change:

  • User event name

  • A period of time


Editing a user event

After making changes, click Save.

Deleting a user event

To delete a user event, hover over the event in the camera timeline. Double-click the right mouse button.

As a result, the user event editing form will be displayed.

Click Delete Event and confirm deletion.


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